Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/222

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12 2 STA T . 1 9 9 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 forciv i l i anmed ical and den t al p o s itions , incl u din g e x penses suc h as recruiting, salar y , b enefits, training, and any other costs the D epartment identifies .(F)A n assessment sho w ing that the military medical or dental positions converted were in excess of the military medical and dental positions needed to meet medical and dental readiness re q uirements of the uniformed services, as determined j ointly by all the uniformed services. (d) D EFIN I T I O N S . —I n this section

( 1 ) T he term ‘ ‘military medical or dental position ’ ’ means a position for the performance of health care functions within the Armed Forces held by a member of the Armed Forces. ( 2 ) The term ‘‘civilian medical or dental position’’ means a position for the performance of health care functions within the Department of Defense held by an employee of the Depart - ment or of a contractor of the Department. ( 3 ) The term ‘‘uniformed services’’ has the meaning given that term in section 1 07 2(1) of title 10, U nited S tates C ode. ( 4 ) The term ‘‘conversion’’, with respect to a military med- ical or dental position, means a change of the position to a civilian medical or dental position, effective as of the date of the manning authori z ation document of the military depart- ment ma k ing the change (through a change in designation from military to civilian in the document, the elimination of the listing of the position as a military position in the document, or through any other means indicating the change in the docu- ment or otherwise). (e) R E P E AL .—Section 742 of the J ohn W arner N ational Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 2007 ( P ublic L aw 10 9– 3 6 4

120 Stat. 2306) is repealed. SEC.72 2. ES TABLI S HM E N T OFJ OINT P ATHOLO GY CENTE R . (a) FIN D IN G S.—Congress makes the following findings: (1) The Secretary of Defense proposed to disestablish all elements of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, except the National M edical Museum and the Tissue Repository, as part of the recommendations of the Secretary for the closure of Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the 200 5 round of defense base closure and realignment. (2) The Defense B ase Closure and Realignment Commission altered, but did not reject, the proposal of the Secretary of Defense to disestablish the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. (3) The Commission’s recommendation that the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology’s ‘‘capabilities not specified in this recommendation will be absorbed into other D O D, Federal, or civilian facilities’’ provides the flexibility to retain a Joint Pathology Center as a Department of Defense or Federal entity. (b) SENSE OF CONG R ESS.—It is the sense of Congress that the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology has provided important medical benefits to the Armed Forces and to the United States and that the Federal G overnment should retain a Joint Pathology Center. (c) E STA B LIS HM ENT.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT RE QU IRED.—The President shall estab- lish and maintain a Joint Pathology Center that shall function as the reference center in pathology for the Federal Govern- ment. Presid e nt.10USC 1 76 n o te. 10USC1 29c note.