Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2329

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12 2 STA T . 2 306PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 4 6 —J U NE 1 8, 2008 wages,hour so f wor k ,a nd o c cu p a ti ona l safet y and health, including through legal, regulatory, and institu - tional refor m;‘ ‘ ( iii ) to increase awareness of worker rights, including under core la b or standards and national labor laws; ‘‘(i v ) to promote consultation and cooperation between government representatives, employers, worker representatives, and U nited S tates importers on matters relating to core labor standards and national labor laws; ‘‘(v) to assist the L abor O mbudsman appointed pursuant to paragraph ( 2 ) in establishing and coordi- nating operation of the committee described in para- graph (2)( B )(v); ‘‘(vi) to assist worker representatives in more fully and effectively advocating on behalf of their members; and ‘‘(vii) to provide on-the- j ob training and technical assistance to labor inspectors, judicial officers, and other relevant personnel to build their capacity to enforce national labor laws and resolve labor disputes . ‘‘( 4 ) COMPLIANCEW I TH ELI G I B ILIT Y C R ITERIA. — ‘‘( A )CO U NTRY COMPLIANCE WITH WOR K ER RIGHT S ELIGI- BILITY CRITERIA.— I n making a determination of whether H aiti is meeting the re q uirement set forth in subsection (d)( 1 )(A)(vi) relating to internationally recogni z ed worker rights, the P resident shall consider the reports produced under paragraph ( 3 )( D ). ‘‘(B) PRO D UCER ELIGIBILITY.— ‘‘(i) IDENTI F ICATION OF PRODUCERS.—Beginning in the second calendar year after the President makes the certification under paragraph (1)(A), the President shall identify on a biennial basis whether a producer listed in the registry described in paragraph (2)(B)(i) has failed to comply with core labor standards and with the labor laws of Haiti that directly relate to and are consistent with core labor standards. ‘‘(ii) ASSISTANCE TO PRODUCERS; WITHDRAWAL, ETC., OF PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.— F or each producer that the President identifies under clause (i), the President shall seek to assist such producer in coming into compliance with core labor standards and with the labor laws of Haiti that directly relate to and are consistent with core labor standards. If such efforts fail, the President shall withdraw, suspend, or limit the application of preferential treatment under sub- section (b) to articles of such producer. ‘‘(iii) R EINSTATING PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.—If the President, after withdrawing, suspending, or lim- iting the application of preferential treatment under clause (ii) to articles of a producer, determines that such producer is complying with core labor standards and with the labor laws of Haiti that directly relate to and are consistent with core labor standards, the President shall reinstate the application of preferential Presid e nt.