Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2442

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12 2 STA T . 2 4 1 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 5 4 —J U NE3 0 , 200 8PublicLaw1 1 0–254 110 thCongres s A n Act Togrant a Fed era lch arter to K orean W ar V eteran sA ssoc i ation ,I ncor p orated .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1.GRA NTO F FE D ERA L C H ARTER TO K OREAN W AR V ET - ERANS ASSOCIATION , INCOR P ORATED. (a)GRANTOFCH ART E R .—P a rtBofsub t i t leI I of title 36,Un ite dS tates Code, is a m ended— ( 1 )b y stri k in g t h e follo w ing

‘ CHAPTER120 1 —[ RE S ER V E D]’ ’

and ( 2 ) by inserting after c ha p ter 11 0 3 the following new chapter: ‘‘CHAPTER 1201— KO REA NW AR VETERANS ASSOC I ATION , INCORPORATED ‘ ‘ S ec. ‘‘ 120 101. O rgani z ation. ‘‘120102. Pu rposes. ‘‘12010 3 . M e mb ership. ‘‘12010 4 . G o v erning bod y . ‘‘12010 5 .Po w ers. ‘‘12010 6 . R estrictions. ‘‘12010 7 .Ta x- exempt status re q uired as condition o f charter. ‘‘12010 8 . Records and inspection. ‘‘12010 9 . Service of process. ‘‘120110. L iability for acts of officers and agents. ‘‘120111. Annual report. ‘‘120112. D efinition. ‘‘ § 120101 . O rganiz a t i o n ‘ ‘(a) F E D ERA L CHARTER.— K orean W ar V eterans A ssociation, Incorporated (in this chapter, the ‘corporation ’ ), a nonprofit organi z ation that meets the re q uirements for a v eterans service organization under section 5 01(c)(1 9 ) of the Internal R evenue Code of 19 8 6 and that is organized under the laws of the State of N ew Y ork, is a federally chartered corporation. ‘‘(b) EXPI RATION OF CHARTER.—If the corporation does not comply with the provisions of this chapter, the charter granted by subsection (a) shall e x pire. 36USC120 101 . 36 USC 130101. June 30 , 200 8[ S. 16 9 2 ]