Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2945

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12 2 STA T . 2 9 22 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 29 3—J UL Y 30 , 200 8‘ ‘ (B)howmuc h t h epr o g r a mco s ts .’ ’. SEC.4 . PUR P O SE. S ect i o n4 o f the U nite d States L eadership A gainst HIV/ AI D S ,T u b ercu l osis, and M alaria Act of 20 0 3 (22 U.S. C . 76 03) is amended to read as follows

‘SEC. 4. PURPOSE. ‘‘The purpose of this Act is to strengthen and enhance United States leadership and the effecti v eness of the United States response to the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria pandemics and other related and preventable infectious diseases as part of the overall United States health and development agenda b y— ‘‘( 1 ) establishing comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated 5- year, global strategies to combat HIV/AIDS, tuber- culosis, and malaria by— ‘‘(A) building on progress and successes to date

‘‘(B) improving harmoni z ation of United States efforts with national strategies of partner governments and other public and private entities; and ‘‘(C) emphasizing capacity building initiatives in order to promote a transition toward greater sustainability through the support of country-driven efforts; ‘‘(2) providing increased resources for bilateral and multi- lateral efforts to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria as integrated components of United States development assist- ance; ‘‘(3) intensifying efforts to— ‘‘(A) prevent HIV infection; ‘‘(B) ensure the continued support for, and e x panded access to, treatment and care programs; ‘‘(C) enhance the effectiveness of prevention, treatment, and care programs; and ‘‘(D) address the particular vulnerabilities of girls and women; ‘‘(4) encouraging the expansion of private sector efforts and expanding public-private sector partnerships to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria; ‘‘(5) reinforcing efforts to— ‘‘(A) develop safe and effective vaccines, microbicides, and other prevention and treatment technologies; and ‘‘(B) improve diagnostics capabilities for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria; and ‘‘(6) helping partner countries to— ‘‘(A) strengthen health systems; ‘‘(B) expand health wor k force; and ‘‘(C) address infrastructural weaknesses.’’. SEC. 5 . A U TH OR I T Y TO CO N SO L I D ATE AND CO MB INE REPORTS. Section 5 of the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003 (22 U.S.C. 7604) is amended by inserting ‘‘, with the exception of the 5-year strategy’’ before the period at the end.