Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3235

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12 2 STA T .3 212 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .1 4, 200 8pre p a ra tionc o u r s es , t h rou g h parent engage m ent an dl eader - ship acti v ities .‘ ‘ (14)D isseminating in f ormation that promotes the impor- tance of higher education, e x plains college preparation and admission re q uirements, and raises a w areness of the resources and services provided by the eligible entities to eligible stu- dents, their families, and communities. ‘‘(1 5 ) I n the event that matching funds described in the application are no longer available, engaging entities described in section 4 0 4 A (c)( 2 ) in a collaborative manner to provide matching resources and participate in other activities author- i z ed under this section. ‘‘(c) A D D IT I ONALPERM I S SI B LEA C TI V ITIES F OR S TATES. — In addi- tion to the required activities described in subsection (a) and the permissible activities described in subsection (b), an eligible entity described in section 404A(c)(1) receiving funds under this chapter may use grant funds to carry out one or more of the following activities

‘‘(1) Providing technical assistance to— ‘‘(A) secondary schools that are located within the State

or ‘‘( B ) partnerships described in section 404A(c)(2) that are located within the State. ‘‘(2) Providing professional development opportunities to individuals wor k ing with eligible cohorts of students described in section 404B(d)(1)(A). ‘‘( 3 ) Providing administrative support to help build the capacity of eligible entities described in section 404A(c)(2) to compete for and manage grants awarded under this chapter. ‘‘(4) Providing strategies and activities that align efforts in the State to prepare eligible students to attend and succeed in postsecondary education, which may include the development of graduation and career plans. ‘‘(5) Disseminating information on the use of scientifically valid research and best practices to improve services for eligible students. ‘‘( 6 )(A) Disseminating information on effective coursework and support services that assist students in obtaining the goals described in subparagraph (B)(ii). ‘‘(B) Identifying and disseminating information on best practices with respect to— ‘‘(i) increasing parental involvement; and ‘‘(ii) preparing students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited E nglish proficient, to succeed academically in, and prepare financially for, postsecondary education. ‘‘( 7 ) W orking to align State academic standards and cur- ricula with the expectations of postsecondary institutions and employers. ‘‘( 8 ) Developing alternatives to traditional secondary school that give students a head start on attaining a recognized post- secondary credential (including an industry-recognized certifi- cate, an apprenticeship, or an associate ’ s or a bachelor’s degree), including school designs that give students early exposure to college-level courses and experiences and allow students to earn transferable college credits or an associate’s degree at the same time as a secondary school diploma.