Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3517

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12 2 STA T .349 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 31 5— AU G .14 , 200 8shal l condu c t an anal y s i so fpr opri e tary institutions of hi g her edu - cation su bj ect to section 487( a ) ( 2 4) of the H igher E ducation A ct of 1965 (2 0U.S . C . 1094(a)(24)) and shall sub m it to the authori z ing committees a report that pro v ides the results of the analysis. (b) C ONTE NT S O FR E P O R T. —T he report shall provide— (1) the number of institutions subject to section 487(a)(24) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)(24))

(2) the number and percentage of such institutions each year that do not comply w ith such section; ( 3 ) the number of such institutions that are in compliance with such section at the time of submission of the report; and (4) in the case of institutions that are in compliance with such section at the time of submission of the report , information onthee x tent to which such institutions ’ revenue is derived from funds provided under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et se q .), including information on the number of such institutions that derive not less than 85 percent of their revenues from funds provided under such title. SEC.1 1 06 . AN A LY S I S OF FE D E R AL RE GU LA T IONS ON INSTITUTIONS OF H IGHER EDUCATION. The Secretary of Education shall enter into an agreement with the N ational Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences for the conduct of a study to ascertain the amount and scope of all F ederal regulations and reporting requirements with which institutions of higher education must comply. The study shall be completed not later than two years after the date of enactment of this Act, and shall include information describing— (1) by agency, the number of Federal regulations and reporting requirements affecting institutions of higher edu- cation; (2) by agency, the estimated time required and costs to institutions of higher education (disaggregated by types of institutions) to comply with the regulations and reporting requirements described in paragraph (1); and (3) by agency, recommendations for consolidating, stream- lining, and eliminating redundant and burdensome Federal regulations and reporting requirements affecting institutions of higher education. SEC. 110 7 . INDE P ENDENT E V ALUATION OF DISTANCE EDUCATION PRO - GRA M S. (a) IN D EPENDENT E VALU AT I ON.—The Secretary of Education shall enter into an agreement with the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a statistically valid evaluation of the quality of distance education programs, as com- pared to campus-based education programs, at institutions of higher education. Such evaluation shall include— (1) identification of the elements by which the quality of distance education can be assessed, which may include elements such as subject matter, interactivity, and student outcomes; (2) identification of distance education program success, with respect to student achievement, in relation to the mission of the institution of higher education; (3) identification of the benefits and limitations of distance education programs and campus-based programs for different Contrac t s. Contracts. S t udy . De ad li ne.