Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3762

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12 2 STA T .37 3 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 3 4 2 —O CT. 3 , 200 8PublicLaw1 1 0–342 110 thCongres s J oint R esolution Expres s ingth e co nsent a n d appro v a l o fC ongress to an interstate co m pact regarding w ater reso u rces in the G reat L a k es —S t . Lawrence R iver B asin. Resolv e dbyth e S e na te and H o u seo f Re pr esentat i ves of the U nited States of Am eri c ain C on g ress assembled ,ThatW h er ea s the in terstate comp act re g ar d ing w ater reso u rces in the G reat L a k es —S t . Lawrence R i v er B asin reads as f o l lows

‘ AGRE E M E NT ‘‘ Section1. The states of I llinois , Indiana, M ichigan, Min - nesota, N ew Y ork, O hio and Wisconsin and the C ommonwealth of P enns y lvania here b y solemnly covenant and agree with each other, upon enactment of concurrent legislation by the respective state legislatures and consent by the Congress of the U nited States as follows: ‘‘GREAT L A K ES — ST. LA W REN C ER IV ER B ASIN WATER RES OU RCES COM P ACT ‘‘ARTICLE 1 ‘‘S H ORT TITLE ,D E F INITIONS, PURPOSES AND DURATION ‘‘Section 1.1. S h o r t Tit l e. This act shall be known and may be cited as the ‘ ‘Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact. ’ ’ ‘‘Section 1. 2 .De f inition s . F or the purposes of this Compact, and of any supplemental or concurring legislation enacted pursuant thereto, e x cept as may be otherwise re q uired by the context: ‘‘A dap ti v e Mana g e m ent means a Water resources manage- ment system that provides a systematic process for evaluation, monitoring and learning from the outcomes of operational programs and ad j ustment of policies, plans and programs based on experience and the evolution of scientific knowledge concerning Water resources and Water D ependent Natural Resources. ‘‘Agreement means the Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources A greement. ‘‘Applicant means a Person who is required to submit a Pro- posal that is subject to management and regulation under this Compact. Application has a corresponding meaning. GreatL a k e s—S t . La w re nc e Riv er B asin W ater Res ou rces C o mp act. State l istin g . O ct. 3,20 0 8[ S. J . Res. 45]