Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3857

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12 2 STA T .38 3 4PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 343 —O CT. 3 , 2008 Forpu rpo se so fthi sp a ra g raph , the ter m‘Un ite dS tates ’ in cl udes an y possession of the United States . ’’. ( c )EXCISETA X CR E D I T . — ( 1 ) ING ENERA L .—Section 642 6 is amended b y adding at the end the follo w ing new subsection

‘‘(i) L I M ITATI O NTOF U ELS W IT H CONNECTION TO THE UNITED STATES.— ‘‘(1) A LCOHOL.— N o credit shall be determined under this section with respect to any alcohol which is produced outside the United States for use as a fuel outside the United States. ‘‘(2) B IODIESEL AND ALTERNATI V E F UELS.—No credit shall be determined under this section with respect to any biodiesel or alternati v e fuel which is produced outside the United States for use as a fuel outside the United States. For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘United States’ includes any possession of the United States.’’. (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Subsection (e) of section 642 7 is amended by redesignating paragraph ( 5 ) as paragraph (6) and by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph: ‘‘(5) LIMITATION TO FUELS W ITH CONNECTION TO THE UNITED STATES.—No amount shall be payable under paragraph (1) or (2) with respect to any mi x ture or alternative fuel if credit is not allowed with respect to such mixture or alternative fuel by reason of section 6426(i).’’. (d) EFFECTIVE D ATE.—The amendments made by this section shall apply to claims for credit or payment made on or after M ay 15, 2 0 0 8 . SEC.204 . E XT E N S IO N A N DM ODI F ICATION OF A L TE R NATI V EF U EL CREDIT. (a) EXTENSION.— (1) ALTERNATIVE FUEL CREDIT.— P aragraph (4) of section 6426(d) (relating to alternative fuel credit) is amended by stri k ing ‘‘September 3 0, 200 9 ’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (2) ALTERNATIVE FUEL MIXTURE CREDIT.—Paragraph (3) of section 6426(e) (relating to alternative fuel mixture credit) is amended by striking ‘‘September 30, 2009’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (3) PA Y MENTS.—Subparagraph (C) of section 6427(e)(5) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ‘‘September 30, 2009’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2009’’. (b) MODIFICATIONS.— (1) ALTERNATIVE FUEL TO INCLUDE COM P RESSED OR LI Q UIFIED B IOMASS GAS.—Paragraph (2) of section 6426(d) (relating to alternative fuel credit) is amended by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of subparagraph (E), by redesignating subparagraph (F) as subparagraph ( G ), and by inserting after subparagraph (E) the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(F) compressed or li q uefied gas derived from biomass (as defined in section 45 K (c)(3)), and’’. (2) CREDIT ALLOWED FOR AVIATION USE OF FUEL.—Para - graph (1) of section 6426(d) is amended by inserting ‘‘sold by the taxpayer for use as a fuel in aviation,’’ after ‘‘motorboat,’’. (c) CARBON CAPTURE R EQUIREMENT FOR CERTAIN FUELS.— Ap p licab ili ty.26USC40no t e . 26 USC 6426.