Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4028

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12 2 STA T .40 0 5PUBLIC LA W 110 –3 5 9—O CT. 8, 2008 PublicLaw1 1 0–359 110 thCongres s A n Act Toauth o rize the Adm i n i s trator o fG enera lS er v i c es to p rovide for the redevelopment of the O ld P ost Office B uildin g located in the D istrict of C olum b ia .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. S H O R T TIT L E. ThisActmaybe cite d as the ‘ ‘ Ol d Po stO f fice Bu ildi ngR ede v el - o p ment Act of 20 0 8’ ’ . SEC. 2 .OL DP OST O F FICE BU ILDIN G DEFINED. I n this Act , the te r m ‘‘Old Post Office Building’’ means the land, including any improvements thereon and specifically including the Pavilion Anne x , that is located at 1 100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW ., in the D istrict of C olumbia, and under the j urisdiction, cus- tody, and control of the G eneral S ervices Administration. SEC. 3 . FINDINGS. Congress finds the follo w ing


1 )F or almost a decade the Subcommittee on E conomic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency M anagement of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the H ouse of Representatives has expressed considerable concern about the waste and neglect of the valuable, historic Old Post Office Building, centrally located in the heart of the Nation’s Capital on Pennsylvania Avenue, and has pressed the General Services Administration to develop and fully use this building. (2) The policy of the Government long has been to preserve and ma k e usable historic properties rather than sell them for revenue. ( 3 ) Security concerns related to this property’s proximity to the White House may hinder the sale of the Old Post Office Building to a private party. ( 4 ) On December 28, 2000, the General Services Adminis- tration, pursuant to Public L aw 10 5– 2 7 7, submitted to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations and Environment and Public Works of the Senate a plan for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Old Post Office. (5) The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure approved the redevelopment plan on May 1 6 , 2001, and the Committees on Appropriations and Environment and Public Works approved the plan on J une 15, 2001. (6) The General Services Administration issued a Re q uest for Expression of Interest in 2004 for developing the Old Post OldPost O f f iceBu ildi ngR ede v elo pm ent A ct of 20 0 8. Oct. 8 , 2008 [H .R. 5 00 1]