Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5233

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12 2 STA T .5 21 0CON C UR R E NT RESO L UT I ONS — OCT. 3, 200 8Insectio n 61 1 ( e ) ( 7 )o f t h e b i l l , st r i k e ‘ ‘e x tention ’ ’ a n d insert ‘‘exten - sion’’ . In section 61 2 of the bill, strike ‘‘o p erations’’ and insert ‘‘oper- ational’’. In section 111 9 of the bill, strike ‘‘ T he R eport’’ and insert ‘‘The report’’. Ag reed to O ctober 2, 2 0 0 8 . ENROL L M EN TC ORRECT I ON S— S .30 0 1Resolv e dbyth e H o u seo f Re pr ese n t a t i ves ( the S enate c oncur - rin g), That in the enroll m ent of the bill S . 3 001, the Secretar y of the Senate shall make the follo w ing corrections

(1) In section 201(1), strike ‘‘ $ 11,0 45 ,052,000’’ and insert ‘‘$10,943,840,000’’. (2) In section 202(a), strike ‘‘$11,799,660’’ and insert ‘‘$11,799,660,000’’. Agreed to October 3, 2008. C AP ITOL V ISITOR CENTER CEREMONIES— EMANCIPATION H ALL A U THORI Z ATION Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concur- ring), That E mancipation H all may be u sed on D ecember 2, 2008, for ceremonies and acti v ities held in connection with the opening of the C apitol V isitor Center to the public. P hysical preparations for such ceremonies and activities shall be carried out in accordance with such conditions as the Architect of the Capitol may prescribe. Agreed to N ovember 20, 2008. Nov.20, 200 8[H . C o n . Res . 435]Oct . 3, 2008 [H. Con. Res. 442]