Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/843

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12 2 STA T .8 2 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 man a ge, an d de v e lopth e nat ur al, h is tori c al, cultural, edu - cational, scenic, and recreational resources o f the N ational H eritage A rea


descri b e a program for implementation for the manage- ment plan, including — (A) performance goals; ( B ) plans for resource protection, enhancement, interpretation, funding, management, and development; and ( C ) specific commitments for implementation that have been made b y the local coordinating entity or any F ederal, S tate, T ribal, or local government agency, organi z ation, business, or individual; ( 7 ) include an analysis of, and recommendations for, means by w hich Federal, State, Tribal, and local programs may best be coordinated (including the role of the National P ar k Service and other Federal agencies associated with the National Herit- age Area) to further the purposes of this subtitle; and ( 8 ) include a business plan that— (A) describes the role, operation, financing, and func- tions of the local coordinating entity and of each of the ma j or activities contained in the management plan; and (B) provides ade q uate assurances that the local coordi- nating entity has the partnerships and financial and other resources necessary to implement the management plan for the National Heritage Area . (b) DEADLIN E.— ( 1 ) I N G ENE R AL.—Not later than 3 years after the date on which funds are first made available to develop the manage- ment plan after designation as a National Heritage Area, the local coordinating entity shall submit the management plan to the Secretary for approval. ( 2 ) TER M INA T I O NO F F U NDING.—If the management plan is not submitted to the Secretary in accordance with paragraph (1), the local coordinating entity shall not qualify for any addi- tional financial assistance under this subtitle until such time as the management plan is submitted to and approved by the Secretary. (c) A P PRO V AL OF M ANAGEMENT PLAN.— (1) R EVIE W .—Not later than 18 0 days after receiving the plan, the Secretary shall review and approve or disapprove the management plan for a National Heritage Area on the basis of the criteria established under paragraph (3). (2) CON S ULTATION.—The Secretary shall consult with the G overnor of each State in which the National Heritage Area is located before approving a management plan for the National Heritage Area. (3) CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL.—In determining whether to approve a management plan for a National Heritage Area, the Secretary shall consider whether— (A) the local coordinating entity represents the diverse interests of the National Heritage Area, including Federal, State, Tribal, and local governments, natural, and historic resource protection organizations, educational institutions, businesses, recreational organizations, community resi- dents, and private property owners; (B) the local coordinating entity— Deadlin e .