Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1039

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123STA T . 1 0 1 9PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 2009 tobeacquir e d b y t h e S ecretary u n der thi s subsection sha l l be acce p table to the Secretary .( ii )TERMSANDCO ND IT IONS. — The con v eyance o f the F ederal land and non - Federal land shall be sub j ect to such ter m s and conditions as the Secretary may require. ( D ) AP PRAISA L S.— (i) I N G ENERAL.—As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act , the Secretary and M t. H ood Meado w s shall select an appraiser to conduct an appraisal of the Federal land and non-Federal land. (ii) R E QU IREMENTS.—An appraisal under clause (i) shall be conducted in accordance with nationally reco g - ni z ed appraisal standards, including— (I) the U niform Appraisal Standards for Fed- eral L and Acquisitions

and (II) the Uniform Standards of P rofessional Appraisal Practice. ( E ) SUR V E Y S.— (i) IN GENERAL.—The e x act acreage and legal description of the Federal land and non-Federal land shall be determined by surveys approved by the Sec- retary. (ii) C OSTS.—The responsibility for the costs of any surveys conducted under clause (i), and any other administrative costs of carrying out the land exchange, shall be determined by the Secretary and Mt. Hood Meadows. (F) DEADLINE F OR COMPLETION OF LAND E X C H ANGE.— It is the intent of Congress that the land exchange under this subsection shall be completed not later than 16 months after the date of enactment of this Act. ( G ) RESERVATION OF EASEMENTS.—As a condition of the conveyance of the Federal land, the Secretary shall reserve— (i) a conservation easement to the Federal land to protect existing wetland, as identified by the O regon Department of State Lands, that allows equivalent wet- land mitigation measures to compensate for minor wet- land encroachments necessary for the orderly develop- ment of the Federal land; and (ii) a trail easement to the Federal land that allows— (I) nonmotorized use by the public of existing trails; (II) roads, utilities, and infrastructure facilities to cross the trails; and (III) improvement or relocation of the trails to accommodate development of the Federal land. (b) PORT OF CASCADE LOC K S LAND EXCHANGE.— (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection

(A) EXCHANGE MAP.—The term ‘ ‘exchange map ’ ’ means the map entitled ‘‘Port of Cascade Loc k s / Pacific Crest N ational Scenic Trail Land Exchange’’, dated J une 20 06. ( B ) FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal land’’ means the parcel of land consisting of approximately 10 acres of National Forest System land in the Columbia River