Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1236

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123STA T . 121 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9shal l , as det e rmin ed by the Cou n c il, in consultation w ith the S ecretary, meet criteria re q uired by the Council and, in addi - tion, consider —(A)p rotection and celebration o f the herita g eofthe community, tribal area, or neighborhood

( B ) use of the historic assets of the community, tribal area, or neighborhood for economic de v elopment and community revitali z ation; and (C) encouragement of people to e x perience and appre- ciate local historic resources through education and herit- age tourism programs . ( 3 ) LOCALG O VERNM EN TSP REV I O U SL Y CERTI F IE D FOR H IS- TORIC PRESERVATION ACTIVITIES.— T he Council shall establish an expedited process for P reserve America Community designa- tion for local governments previously certified for historic preservation activities under section 10 1(c)(1) of the N ational H istoric Preservation Act (1 6U .S.C. 47 0a(c)(1)). (4) G UIDELINES.—The Council, in consultation with the Secretary, shall establish any guidelines that are necessary to carry out this subsection. (e) R EGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall develop any guidelines and issue any regulations that the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out this section. (f) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $25 ,000,000 for each fiscal year, to remain available until expended. SEC.730 3.S AV EA M E RI CA ’ S T REAS U RES P R OG RAM. (a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to authorize within the D epartment of the I nterior the Save America ’ s Treasures Pro- gram, to be carried out by the Director of the National Par k Service, in partnership with— (1) the National E ndowment for the Arts; (2) the National Endowment for the Humanities; (3) the Institute of M useum and Library Services; (4) the National Trust for Historic Preservation; (5) the National Conference of State Historic Preservation O fficers; (6) the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers; and (7) the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Human- ities. (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section

(1) COLLECTION.—The term ‘ ‘collection’’ means a collection of intellectual and cultural artifacts, including documents, sculpture, and works of art. (2) ELIGI B LE ENTITY.—The term ‘‘eligible entity’’ means a F ederal entity, State, local, or tribal government, educational institution, or nonprofit organization. (3) HISTORIC PROPERTY.—The term ‘‘historic property’’ has the meaning given the term in section 301 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470w). (4) NATIONALLY SIGNIFICANT.—The term ‘‘nationally signifi- cant’’ means a collection or historic property that meets the applicable criteria for national significance, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary pursuant to section 16USC4 6 9o.Guidel i n e s .