Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1356

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123STA T . 133 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(iv)OPERATION AN DM AINTENAN C ECO S TS .—Theno n -F e d e rals hare o ft he c ostofo p eratin g and m aintaining an y infrastr u cture improvement that is the su bj ect of a grant or other agreement entered into bet w een the S ecretary and an eligible applicant under paragraph ( 1 )shallbe1 0 0 percent. (F) L IA B I L IT Y .— (i) I N G ENERAL.— Ex cept as provided under chapter 1 7 1 of title 28,U nited States C ode (commonly k nown as the ‘ ‘Federal Tort Claims A ct ’ ’), the United States shall not be liable for monetary damages of any kind for any injury arising out of an act, omission, or occur- rence that arises in relation to any facility created or improved under this section, the title of which is not held by the United States. (ii) TORT CLAIMS ACT.— N othing in this section increases the liability of the United States beyond that provided in chapter 171 of title 28, United States Code (commonly known as the ‘‘Federal Tort Claims Act’’). (b) R ESEARC H AGREEMENTS.— (1) A U THORITY O F SECRETARY.—The Secretary may enter into 1 or more agreements with any university, nonprofit research institution, or organi z ation with water or power delivery authority to fund any research activity that is designed— (A) to conserve water resources

( B ) to increase the efficiency of the use of water resources; or (C) to enhance the management of water resources, including increasing the use of renewable energy in the management and delivery of water. (2) TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SECRETARY.— (A) IN GENERAL.—An agreement entered into between the Secretary and any university, institution, or organiza- tion described in paragraph (1) shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. (B) A V AILABILITY.—The agreements under this sub- section shall be available to all Reclamation projects and programs that may benefit from project-specific or pro- grammatic cooperative research and development. (c) M UTUAL BENEFIT.— G rants or other agreements made under this section may be for the mutual benefit of the United States and the entity that is provided the grant or enters into the coopera- tive agreement. (d) RELATIONSHIP TO P RO J ECT-SPECIFIC AUTHORITY.—This sec- tion shall not supersede any existing project-specific funding authority. (e) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $ 200,000,000, to remain available until expended. SEC.950 5. HYDRO E L EC T R I C P O W ER A SSESS M E N T. (a) D UTY OF SECRETARY OF ENERGY.—The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the Administrator of each Federal Power Mar- keting Administration, shall assess each effect of, and risk resulting from, global climate change with respect to water supplies that 42USC10365.