Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1923

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123STA T . 1 90 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 32 —J U NE 2 4, 2009 av a il a b l eto t h e pu bli cs e m ia n nual p r o g ress reports d escribing implementation o fA ction P lans considered b y the B oard

allo w and receive comments from R e q uesters and other Affected Parties for two months after the date of disclosure of the progress reports; post these comments on W orld Ban k and I nspection Panel websites ( after receiving permission from the requestors to post with or without attribution )

submit the reports to the Board with any

comments received; and make public the substance of any actions taken by the Board after Board consideration of the reports .‘ ‘(b) SAFEGU A RDIN G TH E INDE P ENDEN C E AND E FFECTI V ENE S S O F THE INSPECTION PANE L . —T he Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the U nited States E x ecutive D irectors at the World Bank to con - tinue to promote the independence and effectiveness of the Inspec- tion Panel , including by seeking to ensure the availability of, and access by claimants to, the Inspection Panel for pro j ects supported by World Bank resources. ‘‘(c) EVALUATION OF C OUNTR Y SYSTE M S.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the United States Executive Directors at the World Bank to request an evaluation by the Independent Evaluation G roup on the use of country environmental and social safeguard systems to determine the degree to which, in practice, the use of such systems provides the same level of protection at the project level as do the policies and procedures of the World Bank. ‘‘(d) WORLD BAN K DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘World Bank ’ means the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association.’’. CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND GREENHOUSE GAS ACCOUNTING SEC. 1 111. Title X III of the International F inancial Institutions Act ( 2 2 U.S.C. 2 6 2m et seq.) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following

‘ SEC.1308 . C LIMAT EC H A NG E MITIGATI O NAN D G R EENHO U SE GAS ACCOUNTING. ‘‘(a) USE OF GREENHOUSE GAS ACCOUNTING.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall seek to ensure that multilateral development banks (as defined in section 1 70 1(c)( 4 ) of this Act) adopt and imple- ment greenhouse gas accounting in analy z ing the benefits and costs of individual projects (excluding those with de minimus green- house gas emissions) for which funding is sought from the bank. ‘‘(b) E X PANSION OF CLIMATE CHANGE M ITIGATION ACTIVITIES.— The Secretary of the Treasury shall work to ensure that the multi- lateral development banks (as defined in section 1701(c)(4)) expand their activities supporting climate change mitigation by— ‘‘(1) significantly expanding support for investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, including zero carbon technologies; ‘‘(2) reviewing all proposed infrastructure investments to ensure that all opportunities for integrating energy efficiency measures have been considered; ‘‘( 3 ) increasing the dialogue with the governments of devel- oping countries regarding— ‘‘(A) analysis and policy measures needed for low carbon emission economic development; and 2 2 USC 2 6 2 m–8.