Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/211

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123STA T . 1 9 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B.1 7, 2 0 09 TI T LE I X— LE G I S L A TI V E BR A NCH G O VERN M ENT ACCO U NTABILIT Y O F FICE S AL A RIES A ND E XP ENSES F oran a d d it iona l a m o u nt f or ‘ ‘Salari es and E xp enses ’ ’ oft h e Go v ernment A c counta b ilit y Office ,$25 , 0 00,000, to remain available until September 3 0, 20 1 0 . GENERAL P ROVISIONS—THIS TITLE SE C . 9 01. G OV ERN M EN T ACCO U NTA B ILIT Y O F FICE REVIE W S AND REPORTS. ( a ) REVIEWS AND REPORTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Comptroller General shall conduct bimonthly revie w s and prepare reports on such reviews on the use by selected States and localities of funds made available in this Act. Such reports, alon g with any audits conducted by the Comptroller General of such funds, shall be posted on the Internet and lin k ed to the website established under this Act by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board. (2) REDACTIONS.—Any portion of a report or audit under this subsection may be redacted when made publicly available, if that portion would disclose information that is not sub j ect to disclosure under section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Freedom of Information Act). (b) EXAMINATION OF RECORDS.—The Comptroller General may examine any records related to obligations and use by any Federal, State, or local government agency of funds made available in this Act. SEC. 902. ACCESS OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE. (a) ACCESS.—Each contract awarded using funds made available in this Act shall provide that the Comptroller General and his representatives are authori z ed— (1) to examine any records of the contractor or any of its subcontractors, or any State or local agency administering such contract, that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to, the contract or subcontract

and (2) to interview any officer or employee of the contractor or any of its subcontractors, or of any State or local government agency administering the contract, regarding such transactions. (b) RELATIONS H IP TO EXISTIN G AUTHORITY.—Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to limit or restrict in any way any existing authority of the Comptroller General. TITLE X—MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AN D VETERANS AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Construction, Army’’, $1 8 0,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2013


d, That notwithstanding any other provision of law, such funds may be obligated and expended to carry out planning and design Inter net pos t i n g.