Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2441

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123STA T . 2 4 21 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9Res e archP r og ra m o ft he D e p artme n t of Defense u nt ilS ep - tem b er 30,2 0 1 0 ’ ’ .( b ) S T TRR EAUTHORIZ ATIO N . — Section 9 (n)(1)( A ) of the Small B usiness Act (1 5U .S. C . 6 3 8 (n)(1)(A)) is amen d ed— (1) b y stri k ing ‘ ‘ W ith respect’’ and inserting the follo w ing

‘‘(i) F E D ERA L A G EN C IE S GENERALL Y .— Ex cept as pro v ided in clause (ii), with respect’’

and (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(ii) DE P ART M ENT O F DEFENSE.—The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of each military department shall carry out clause (i) with respect to each fiscal year through fiscal year 2010.’’. (c) EFFECTI V E DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall take effect as of J uly 30, 2009. SEC.84 8.E XT E N S IO NO FAU T H O R IT Y FOR S M A L L B USINESS INNO V A - TION RESEARCH COMMERCIALI Z ATION P ILOT PRO G RAM. Section 9(y) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 638(y)) is amended in paragraph (6) by striking ‘‘2009’’ and inserting ‘‘2010’’. TI T LE I X—D E PAR T M E N T OF DEFEN S E OR G ANI Z ATION AND MANAGEMENT Subti t leA—D e par t m e n t of Defen s e M ana g ement Se c.901 . Aut h orit y to allo w pri v ate sector civilians to receive instruction at De - fense C yber I nvestigations T raining Aca d emy of the Defense Cyber Crime Center. Sec. 90 2 . O rgani z ational structure of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of De- fense for H ealth Affairs and the T R ICAR E Management Activity. Sec. 90 3 . Sense of Congress regarding the Director of Operational Energy P lans and Programs. Sec. 90 4 . Increased fle x ibility for combatant commander initiative fund. Sec. 90 5 . Repeal of re q uirement for a Deputy U nder Secretary of Defense for Tech- nology Security Policy within the Office of the Under Secretary of De- fense for Policy. Sec. 90 6 . Deputy Under Secretaries of Defense and Assistant Secretaries of De- fense. Subtitle B —Space Activities Sec. 911. Submission and review of space science and technology strategy. Sec. 912. Provision of space situational awareness services and information to non- United States G overnment entities. Sec. 913. Management and funding strategy and implementation plan for the N a- tional Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Pro- gram. Subtitle C—Intelligence-Related Matters Sec. 921. Inclusion of Defense Intelligence Agency in authority to use proceeds from counterintelligence operations. Sec. 922. Plan to address foreign ballistic missile intelligence analysis. Subtitle D—Other Matters Sec. 931. Implementation strategy for developing leap-ahead cyber operations capa- bilities. Sec. 932. Defense integrated military human resources system development and transition. Sec. 933. Report on special operations command organization , manning, and man- agement. Sec. 934. Study on the recruitment, retention, and career progression of uniformed and civilian military cyber operations personnel. Sec. 935. Plan on access to national airspace for unmanned aircraft systems. 15USC638note.