Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3559

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123STA T . 3 5 3 9CON C UR R E NT RESO L UT I ONS — A P R. 29 , 2 0 09 source so th er th an the Hig h w a yT rust F un d, inc l uding the M ass Transit A ccount o f such fund .(b)SUPERMAJO R ITYW AI V ERA ND APPEA LS INT H E SENATE. — ( 1 ) WAIVER.—This section m ay be wai v ed or sus p ended only by an affirmative vote of three - fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. ( 2 ) APPEALS.—An affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be re q uired to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the C hair on a point of order raised under this section. (c) SUNSET.—This section shall e x pire on September 30 , 201 8 . PARTI I —O T HE R PRO V I S IO N S SEC.41 1. OV E R S IGHT O F GOVER NM ENT P ERFORM A NCE. I n the Senate, all committees are directed to review programs within their j urisdiction to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in program spending, giving particular scrutiny to issues raised by G overnment Accountability O ffice reports. B ased on these oversight efforts and committee performance reviews of programs within their jurisdiction, committees are directed to include recommendations for improved governmental performance in their annual views and estimates reports required under section 301(d) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1 974 to the Senate Committee on the Budget. SEC. 41 2 . BUD GETAR Y TREATMENT OF CERTAIN DISCRETIONARY ADMINISTRATIVE E X PENSES. In the Senate, notwithstanding section 302(a)(1) of the Congres- sional Budget Act of 1974, section 13301 of the Budget E nforcement Act of 1990, and section 2009a of title 39, U nited States Code, the joint explanatory statement accompanying the conference report on any concurrent resolution on the budget shall include in its allocations under section 302(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to the Senate Committee on Appropriation amounts for the discretionary administrative expenses of the Social Security Administration and of the P ostal Service. SEC. 41 3 . APP L ICATION AND EFFECT OF CHANGES IN ALLOCATIONS AND AGGREGATES. (a) APPLI C ATION.—In the Senate, any adjustments of allocations and aggregates made pursuant to this resolution shall— (1) apply while that measure is under consideration

(2) ta k e effect upon the enactment of that measure; and (3) be published in the Congressional R ecord as soon as practicable. (b) E F FECT OF CHAN G ED ALLOCATIONS AND AGGREGATES.— Revised allocations and aggregates resulting from these adjust- ments shall be considered for the purposes of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 as allocations and aggregates contained in this resolution. (c) BUDGET COMMITTEE D ETERMINATIONS.—For purposes of this resolution the levels of new budget authority, outlays, direct spending, new entitlement authority, revenues, deficits, and sur- pluses for a fiscal year or period of fiscal years shall be determined on the basis of estimates made by the Senate Committee on the Budget. (d) ADJUSTMENTS.—The chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget may adjust the aggregates, allocations, and other levels