Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1374

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124 STAT. 1348 PUBLIC LAW 111–195—JULY 1, 2010 a good, service, or technology on the list required under subsection (b)(2), with the presumption that any application for such a license will be denied. (d) DELAY OF IMPOSITION OF LICENSING REQUIREMENT.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The President may delay the imposition of the licensing requirement under subsection (c) with respect to a country designated as a Destination of Diversion Concern under subsection (a) for a 12-month period if the President— (A) determines that the government of the country is taking steps— (i) to institute an export control system or strengthen the export control system of the country; (ii) to interdict the diversion of goods, services, or technologies described in section 302(b) through the country to Iranian end-users or Iranian intermediaries; and (iii) to comply with and enforce United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), and 1929 (2010), and any other resolution that is agreed to by the Security Council and imposes sanctions with respect to Iran; (B) determines that it is appropriate to carry out government-to-government activities to strengthen the export control system of the country; and (C) submits to the appropriate congressional commit- tees a report describing the steps specified in subparagraph (A) being taken by the government of the country. (2) ADDITIONAL 12-MONTH PERIODS.—The President may delay the imposition of the licensing requirement under sub- section (c) with respect to a country designated as a Destination of Diversion Concern under subsection (a) for additional 12- month periods after the 12-month period referred to in para- graph (1) if the President, for each such 12-month period— (A) makes the determinations described in subpara- graphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) with respect to the country; and (B) submits to the appropriate congressional commit- tees an updated version of the report required by subpara- graph (C) of paragraph (1). (3) STRENGTHENING EXPORT CONTROL SYSTEMS.—If the President determines under paragraph (1)(B) that is it appro- priate to carry out government-to-government activities to strengthen the export control system of a country designated as a Destination of Diversion Concern under subsection (a), the United States shall initiate government-to-government activities that may include— (A) cooperation by agencies and departments of the United States with counterpart agencies and departments in the country— (i) to develop or strengthen the export control system of the country; (ii) to strengthen cooperation among agencies of the country and with the United States and facilitate enforcement of the export control system of the country; and Determination. Reports. Time period. Determination.