Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2791

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124 STAT. 2765 PUBLIC LAW 111–260—OCT. 8, 2010 committee to be known as the Video Programming and Emergency Access Advisory Committee. (b) MEMBERSHIP.—As soon as practicable after the date of enact- ment of this Act, the Chairman shall appoint individuals who have the technical knowledge and engineering expertise to serve on the Advisory Committee in the fulfillment of its duties, including the following: (1) Representatives of distributors and providers of video programming or a national organization representing such distributors. (2) Representatives of vendors, developers, and manufactur- ers of systems, facilities, equipment, and capabilities for the provision of video programming delivered using Internet pro- tocol or a national organization representing such vendors, developers, or manufacturers. (3) Representatives of manufacturers of consumer elec- tronics or information technology equipment or a national organization representing such manufacturers. (4) Representatives of video programming producers or a national organization representing such producers. (5) Representatives of national organizations representing accessibility advocates, including individuals with disabilities and the elderly. (6) Representatives of the broadcast television industry or a national organization representing such industry. (7) Other individuals with technical and engineering exper- tise, as the Chairman determines appropriate. (c) COMMISSION OVERSIGHT.—The Chairman shall appoint a member of the Commission’s staff to moderate and direct the work of the Advisory Committee. (d) TECHNICAL STAFF.—The Commission shall appoint a member of the Commission’s technical staff to provide technical assistance to the Advisory Committee. (e) DEVELOPMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS.— (1) CLOSED CAPTIONING REPORT.—Within 6 months after the date of the first meeting of the Advisory Committee, the Advisory Committee shall develop and submit to the Commis- sion a report that includes the following: (A) A recommended schedule of deadlines for the provi- sion of closed captioning service. (B) An identification of the performance requirement for protocols, technical capabilities, and technical proce- dures needed to permit content providers, content distribu- tors, Internet service providers, software developers, and device manufacturers to reliably encode, transport, receive, and render closed captions of video programming, except for consumer generated media, delivered using Internet protocol. (C) An identification of additional protocols, technical capabilities, and technical procedures beyond those avail- able as of the date of enactment of the Twenty-First Cen- tury Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 for the delivery of closed captions of video programming, except for consumer generated media, delivered using Inter- net protocol that are necessary to meet the performance objectives identified under subparagraph (B).