Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4572

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124 STAT. 4546 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS—JULY 27, 2010 ‘‘Sec. 402. Indian tribal justice; technical and legal assistance. ‘‘Sec. 403. Tribal resources grant program. ‘‘Sec. 404. Tribal jails program. ‘‘Sec. 405. Tribal probation office liaison program. ‘‘Sec. 406. Tribal youth program. ‘‘Sec. 407. Improving public safety presence in rural Alaska. ‘‘TITLE V—INDIAN COUNTRY CRIME DATA COLLECTION AND INFORMATION SHARING ‘‘Sec. 501. Tracking of crimes committed in Indian country. ‘‘Sec. 502. Criminal history record improvement program. ‘‘TITLE VI—DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT PROSECUTION AND PREVENTION ‘‘Sec. 601. Prisoner release and reentry. ‘‘Sec. 602. Domestic and sexual violence offense training. ‘‘Sec. 603. Testimony by Federal employees. ‘‘Sec. 604. Coordination of Federal agencies. ‘‘Sec. 605. Sexual assault protocol. ‘‘Sec. 606. Study of IHS sexual assault and domestic violence response capabili- ties.’’; and inserting: ‘‘TITLE II—TRIBAL LAW AND ORDER ‘‘SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. ‘‘(a) SHORT TITLE.—This title may be cited as the ‘Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010’. ‘‘(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents of this title is as follows: ‘‘Sec. 201. Short title; table of contents. ‘‘Sec. 202. Findings; purposes. ‘‘Sec. 203. Definitions. ‘‘Sec. 204. Severability. ‘‘Sec. 205. Jurisdiction of the State of Alaska. ‘‘Sec. 206. Effect. ‘‘Subtitle A—Federal Accountability and Coordination ‘‘Sec. 211. Office of Justice Services responsibilities. ‘‘Sec. 212. Disposition reports. ‘‘Sec. 213. Prosecution of crimes in Indian country. ‘‘Sec. 214. Administration. ‘‘Subtitle B—State Accountability and Coordination ‘‘Sec. 221. State criminal jurisdiction and resources. ‘‘Sec. 222. State, tribal, and local law enforcement cooperation. ‘‘Subtitle C—Empowering Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies and Tribal Governments ‘‘Sec. 231. Tribal police officers. ‘‘Sec. 232. Drug enforcement in Indian country. ‘‘Sec. 233. Access to national criminal information databases. ‘‘Sec. 234. Tribal court sentencing authority. ‘‘Sec. 235. Indian Law and Order Commission. ‘‘Sec. 236. Exemption for tribal display materials. ‘‘Subtitle D—Tribal Justice Systems ‘‘Sec. 241. Indian alcohol and substance abuse. ‘‘Sec. 242. Indian tribal justice; technical and legal assistance. ‘‘Sec. 243. Tribal resources grant program. ‘‘Sec. 244. Tribal jails program. ‘‘Sec. 245. Tribal probation office liaison program. ‘‘Sec. 246. Tribal youth program. ‘‘Sec. 247. Improving public safety presence in rural Alaska. ‘‘Subtitle E—Indian Country Crime Data Collection and Information Sharing ‘‘Sec. 251. Tracking of crimes committed in Indian country.