Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/100

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72 THIBTY—·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. CE. 83, 84. 1864. the middle of its height) the inside breadtli of the space at each of the points of division, also the breadth of the stem and the breadth at the Register ton- stem; number them successively one, two, three, and so forth, commenc- ¤¤s¤· ing at the stem; multiply the second, and all other even-numbered breadths by four, and the third, and all the other oddmumbered breadtlis (except the first and last) by two; to the sum of these products add the first and last breadths, multiply the whole sum by one third of the common interval between the breadths, and the result will give, in superficial feet, the mean horizontal area. of such space; measure the mean heightbetween the plank of the two decks, and multiply by it the mean horizontal area., andthe product will be the cubical contents of the space; divide this product by one-hundred, and the quotient shall be deemed to be the tonnage of such space, and shall be added to the other tonnage of the vessel, ascertained as aforesaid. And if the vessel has more than three decks, the tonnage of each space between decks, above the tonnage-deck, shall be severally ascertained in the manner above described, and shall be added to the tonnage of the vessel, ascertained as aforesaid. Tonnage of In ascertaining the tonnage of open vessels the upper edge of the upper open vessels. strake is to form the boundary line of measurement, and the depth shall be taken from an athwartship line, extending from upper educ of said strake at each division of the length. Ragism to sx_ The register of the vessel shall express the number of decks, the tongross number or nage under the tonnage-deck, that of the betweemdecks, above the ton- &°°k¤»*°‘m*S°» nage-deck; also that of the poop or other enclosed spaces above the °` deck, each separately. In every registered United States ship or vessel Tonnage who the number denoting the total registered tonnage shall be deeply carved mmkcd on mm, or otherwise permanently marked on ber main beam, and shall be so conbenm. tinued; and if it at any time cease to be so continued such vessel shall no longer be recognized as a. registered United States vessel. C;m.g,,s {0,. SEC- 4. And be it further enacted, That the charge for the measuremessnmnentn ment of tonnage and certifying the same shall not exceed the sum of one 3’£sf:;|:°mfW“€ dollar and fifty cents for each transverse section under the tonnage—deek; ` and the sum of three dollars for measuring each betweemdecks above the tonnage-deck; and the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each poop, or closed-in space available for cargo or stores, or for the berthing or acgoezgmodation of passengers, or olHcers and crew above the upper or spar- Pmvmom of Sec. 5. And be 1It_f·i¢rt}wr enacted, That the provisions of this act shall ms ,,%,,0, to not be deemed to apply to any vessel not required by law to be registered, applytocerwin or enrolled, or licensed, and-all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with ""°l°‘ the provisions of this are hereby repealed. Approved, May 6, 1864. CHAP. LXXXIV. —— An n e 1. ._.._M—y it 1864- Sm, ,0 at°m"0$.";mm‘ t' ·”.;"“,im‘:i飑,,0,2*5:‘.‘:t.‘=.£ w " “""""‘ Be it enacted by the Smale and House of Representatives of the United Land gmnteq States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby,

33*1;*; n;’g?O3’;‘ granted to the state of Iowa, for the purpose of aiding in the construction

City, to south of a railroad from Sioux City, in said state, to the south line of tho staté line of mw; of ·Minuesota, at such point as the said state of Iowa may select betwocll the Big Sioux and the west fork of the Des Moines river; also to said mum MCGW state for the use and benefit of the McGregor Western Railroad Comgor Western mil- pany, for the purpose of aiding in `tbe construction of a railroad from a ’°“d* point at or near the foot of Main Street, South McGregor, in said stat!-1, ill ·a westerly direction, by the most practicable route, on or near the forty· third parallel ofnorth latitude, until it shall intersect the said road running from Sioux City `to the Minnesota state line, in the county of O’Bricn, in said state, every alternate section of land designated by odd