Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/487

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Paper, dies, and printing notes. For paper, special dies, and the printing of circulating notes, and expenses necessarily incurred (including express charges) in procuring the same, in the office of the comptroller of the currency, six hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Commissioners of direct taxes. Commissioners of Direct Taxes in Insurrectionary Districts.—For compensation of thirty-three commissioners, at three thousand dollars each, and eleven clerks at twelve hundred dollars each, one hundred and twelve thousand two hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses, advertising, and surveying, forty thousand dollars.

Laborers. For compensation to the laborer in charge of the water-closets in the capitol, five hundred and twenty-five dollars and sixty cents.

For compensation of four laborers in capitol, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.

Public gardener. For compensation to the public gardener, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

For compensation of a foreman and twenty-one laborers employed in the public grounds, sixteen thousand and eighty dollars.

Gate-keeper. For compensation of the keeper of the western gate, Capitol Square, one thousand dollars.

Watchmen. For compensation of two day watchmen employed in the Capitol Square, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

Doorkeepers. For compensation of the doorkeeper at the President's house, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For compensation of assistant doorkeeper at the President's house, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

Watchmen. For compensation of one night watchman at the public stables and carpenters' shops south of the capitol, one thousand dollars.

For compensation of watchman in reservation number two, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

Draw-keepers. For compensation of eight draw-keepers at the Potomac Bridge, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, seven thousand five hundred and fifty-three dollars and sixty cents.

For compensation of two draw-keepers at the two bridges across the eastern branch of the Potomac, and for fuel, oil, and lamps, one thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars.

Furnace-keepers. For compensation of furnace-keeper under the old hall of the House of Representatives, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

For compensation of furnace-keeper at the President's house, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

Metropolitan police. Metropolitan Police.—For salaries and other necessary expenses of the metropolitan police for the District of Columbia, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. And the compensation of said metropolitan police force, officers, and clerks, is hereby increased fifty per centum,Increase of pay. upon the amount hereby appropriated, commencing on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, said increase to be borne by the citiesHow allotted. of Washington and Georgetown, and the county of Washington in the District of Columbia, in proportion to the number of patrolmen allotted severally to the city of Washington, to the city of Georgetown, and the county of Washington, and the levy court of said county are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a special tax not exceedingSpecial tax. one quarter of one per centum for the purpose aforesaid.

Temporary accommodations for State Department and clerks of the treasury.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to provide temporary accommodations for the State Department, and for the accommodation of such of the clerks of the Treasury Department as cannot be accommodated in the present building, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, and for the purpose of furnishing and fitting up suitable rooms for the office of the Attorney-General, if it shall be necessary for him to remove from the Treasury