Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/854

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826 INDEX. Legal Tender, Legislative, §·c., Expenses, (continued.) 0enta.ndtwo·cent pieces tobe, for certain stationery, printing, books, maps, sums, . 55 &c., ... 148, 484 treasury notes, how far, ... 218, 219 extra. clerk-hire, &c., . . .148, 448 interest-bearing treasury notes not to Northeast Executive Building,. . 148, 448 be, for redemption of circulation of capitalization of Scheldt dues, first banks, . 219 annual instalment, 448 three-cent piece to be for sixty cents,517, Treasury Department, . 149, 449 518 secretary and assistants, &c.,. . . 149, 449 one- and two-cent coins for four cents,. . 518 comptro1ler’s oii‘ices,..149, 150, 449, 450 Legal Tender Notes, auditor’s omces, .. 149, 150,.449, 450 no additional authorized by certain acts, 425, treasurer’s office, . 149, 150, 449, 450 469 registers oince, .. 149, 150, 449, 450 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses, solicitor’s omce, .. 149, 150, 449, 450 appropriations for, for years ending June commissioner of customs’ office, 149, 30, 1865, and June 30, 1866, .. 146, 445 150, 449, 450 pay and mileage of senators, ... 146, 445 l light-house board, 149, 150, 449; 450 pay of onicers, &c., of Senate, .. 146, 445 comptroller of the currency,. . .149, 150, contingencies of Senate, ... 146, 445 449, 450 Congressional Globe, .. 146, 445 temporary clerks in '1'reasury Dereporting proceedings in Daily Globe, 146, pertment, .. 150, 450 446 secretary may classify clerks, and additional compensation to report assign compensation to each, 150, 450 ers, ... 146, 445 Southeast Executive Building, 150, 151, 450, clerks to committees, pages, horses, car- 451 ryalls, . - ... .146, 446 Department of the Interior, 151, 451 heating and ventilating, ... * 146, 446 secretary’s office, . 151, 451 miscellaneous, 146, 446 general 1a.nd~ofHoe, . . . .151, 451 pay of representatives and delegates, 146, 446 commissioner of Indian affairs, 151, 451 of otHcers, clerks, &c., of House, 146, 446 of pensions, ., 151, 451 contingencies of House, ... 147, 447 additional clerks, .. 151, 451 cartage, . 147, 447 part may be used for piece- Congressional Globe and Appendix, 147, 447 work, ... · ... 151, 451 clerks to committees and temporary travelling expenses of special agent, 151 clerks, . 147, 447 451 folding documents and materials,. . .147, 447 contingencies, . ... 151, 451 fuel, lights, &c., ... 147, 447 office of secretary, &c.,. . .. 151, 451 furniture, repairs, packing-boxes,. . .147, 447 pension-office, 151, 451 stationery, ... 147, 447 additional clerks,; .. . . 451 horses, carriages, and saddle-horses,.147, 447 commissioner of public buildings,. ..151, 152, laborers, .147, 447 451 miscellaneous, newspapers, 147, 447 repairs, &c., of patent-omce building,. . . 451 pages, and temporary mail-boys,. ..147, 447 packing and distributing journals and reporting in Daily Globe, .. 147, 447 documents, . .. . 451 additional compensation to report- surveyors-general and their clerks,..152, 452 ers, . .. 147, 447 rent of oiiiice, fuel, books} &c.,.152, 452 tiling of door of old hall, .. 447 recorder of landmitles in Missouri,.. .152, 452 library of congress, pay of officers, and court expenses, safe-keeping ofprisoners, purchase of books, ..148, 448 and prosecution of crime, 152, 452 complete iile of selections from Euro- district attorneys and marshals, 153, 452 pean periodicals relating to the rebel- War Department, 153, 452 lion, .. 148 secretary’s office, . 153, 453 no money to be expended until en- adjutant-general, . 153, 453 tire collection is completed and qimrtermaster-general, .. ..153, 453 index, made, ... 148 paymaster-general, ... 153, 453 enlargement of library building, .. . 448 commissnry-general, .. 153, 453 sire and plan of} . . 448 surgeon-general, .. 153,' 453 public printing, superintendent, &c., 147, 148, chief engineer, ... 158, 453 447 colonel of ordnance, .. 153, 453 additions to office, presses, nxtures, &c., 447 contingent expenses in the various ofpaper for public printing, .. 148, 447 fices, .. 153, 453 public binding, . , .. .148, 447 Northwest Executive Building, 153, 453 lithographing, engraving, mapping, 148, 448 building corner of F and 17th Streets, 153, court of claims, judges, &c., ... 148, 448 _ 453 attorneys, witnesses, and commissioners, 148, building corner F and 15th Streets,.153, 453 448 Navy Department, .,.. 154, 454 Executive, President and Vice-Presb secretai-y's office, . .154, 454 dent, . . . ... 148, 448 bureaus, . 454 secretary, contingencies,. .. 148, 448 Southwest Executive Building, 154, 455 State Department, 148, 448 Postr0mce Department, ... 154, 155, 455 incidental andcontingent expenses,.l48, 448 contingent expenses, .. . 155, 455 publishing laws, pamphlets, and money-order bureau, .. 455 newspapers, 148, 448 department of agriculture,. 155, 455 proof-reading, packing, &c., 148, 448 commissioner and chief clerk,. ..155, 455