Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/3

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CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. Acts of the Thirty-ninth congress of the United States.

STATUTE I. — 1865 — 6.

Jumrs in the District qF Columbia. An act to amend an mt entitled An act providing for the selection of jurors to serve in the several courts of the District of Columbizw Dcccmbcr 18, 1865, ch. 1 . ...1

I pormtzbnqf Oattk prohibited. An acl: to prevent the spread of foreign diseases among the cattle of tho United States. December 18, 1865, ch. 2 . 1

President? House. An ant making appropriation for refurnishing and repairing the Presidoufs house. December 19, 1865, ch. 3 . . . ... 2

Assistant Assessors of Internal Revenue. An act authorizing pha Secretary of the Treasury to appoint assistant assessors of internal revenue. January 15, 1866, ch. 5 2

Pensions Appropriations. An act makini appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending the thirticth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and additional a£pr0priati0us for the year ending the thirticth of Juno, eighteen hundred and six¤y·six. cbruury 7, 1866, ch. 6 .. . . . 2

Registering af Vessels. An act to regulate the registering of vessels. February 10, 1866, ch. 8. . .3

Mary Lincoln. An act: granting the framking privilege to Mary Lincoln. February 10, 1866, ch. 9. 3

Oler/ca in Post-Office Department. An act authorizing an increase of the clerical force in the Post-Offica Department. February 16, 1866, ch. 10 . . ... . 3

Importatbm of Cattle, Qc. An md; to amend an act entitled An act to prevent the spread of foreign discéscs among the cattle of the United Sta.t0sf approved December eightecnth,.eighte-ven hundred and sixty-Evo. March 6, 1866, ch. 12 3 Lands in San Francisco. An act wmict the title to certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of San Francisco. rch 8, 1866, ch. 13 . . . 4

Internal Revenue. An acc to declare the meaning of certain parts of the internal rcvcnuc act, approved June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for other purposes. March 10, 1866, ch. 15 . .. . . 4 Post-Roads. An act 1:0 establish certain post-roads. March 14, 1866, ch. 16 . .5

Withdrawal of Goozk fiom Public Stores, yo. An mt to extend the time for the withdrawal of $0ds for consumption from public store and bonded warehouse, aud for other purposes. arch 14, 1866, ch. 17 ... 8

Certain Produce ey the Forests of Maine to befree of An act to further secure American citizens certain privileges under the treaty 0 Was inghou. March 16, 1866, ch. 18 9

Court of Claims.An act in relation to the court of claims. March 17, 1866, ch. 19 9

Firemarfs Insurance Company. An act to amend an act to extend the charter of the president and directors of the Fircmank Insurance Company of Washington and Gc0rgc:0wn,·i¤ the District of Columbia. March 17, 1866, ch. 20 . . .. . .. 9

National Milimvy and Naval Asylum. An act in amend an act entitled An act to incorporate a. national military and naval asgum, for the relief of the totally disabled cfliccrs and mon cf the volunteer forces of the nited States. March 21, 1866, ch. 21 . . 10

Lands in Missouri. An actguicting doubts in relation to the validity of certain locations of lands in the Sjmtc of issoun, made by virtue of certificates issued under the act of Congress of February the seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifteen. March 21, 1866, ch. 22 12

Forgevy ey Bonds, Public Records, gw. An act more eifecmally to provide for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States. April 5, 1866, ch. 24 . 12