Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/334

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304. THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 284, 285, 286. 1866. Assistant crease of importation, or from any other cause, there shall be found upon

Y the floors of the public stores in the city of New York an accumulation

wm-kqmorsthan of merchandise awaiting appraisement, it shall be the duty of the ap.

¤*lb¤Si¤¤¤¤ praiser, under regulations established by the Secretary of the Treasury,

U"' to direct the assistant appraisers, and others associated with them in this branch of the public business, to devote time beyond the usual business hours, in each day, during daylight, to their respective duties, to the end that the business of appraisement may be faithfully and more promptly des atched. Aids *°*l*° Slsc. 10. And be it further enacted, That all aids to the revenue or

_;?2,}15,;3,:,:,¥§ others performing the duties of inspectors of customs in any collection

ofcustoms. district, shall be paid the same per diem compensation as inspectors of customs. Approved, July 27, 1866. July 27, 1866. CHAP. CCLXXXV. —— An Act for the Relid ry' Suferers by Fire at Portland. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Uertain im- States of America in Congress assembled, That on all goods, wares, and fsf ;}j°,'fo°'b° merchandise which may be sent from places without the limits of the gm Lfduky, United States, as gratuitous contributions to the relief of sufferers by the fire which occurred at Portland, Maine, July fourth and fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall, when imported at the port of Portland and consigned to the proper authority for distribution, be admitted free of duty. _ D¤¤Wb¤<2l¢ of Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed and

°,lQg;§£QJff§;d°° paid, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall pre-

Ln buildings scribe, on all materials actually used in buildings erected on the ground °’$fl':_‘:,?;‘r;l;f, burned over by said fire, a drawback of the import duties paid on the €;,,,_ same: Provided, That said materials shall have been imported at the port Pwvisv- of Portland during the term of one year from and after said fifth day of July, 1866. Approved, July 27, 1866. July 27, 1866- CHAP. CCLXXXVI. —A.n Act to prevgnt the Weaving of Sheath Knit·cs by Ameri- ‘ can semen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S°*’m°¤ l¤ _ States of America in Uongress assembled, That the existing regulation for

:°;?;;:rV`°° the government of the navy of the United States, prohibiting the wearsheathknives. ing of sheath knives on shipboard is hereby extended and made applicable to all seamen in the merchant service.

_ Persons offer- Sec. 2. And be itfurtber enacted, That it shall be the duty of the mas-

’;§¤g‘;;l·;?,;‘; ter or other officer in command of any ship or vessel registered, enrolled,

housed 0mm_ or licensed under the laws of the United States, and of the owner or other person entering into contract for the employment of a seaman or other subordinate upon any such ship or vessel, to inform every person offering to ship himself of the provisions of this law, and to require his compliance Penalty. therewith, under a penalty of fifty dollars for each omission, to be sued for and recovered in the name of the United States of America, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, one half for the benefit of the infbrmer and the other half for the benefit of the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen. Approved, July 27, 1866.