Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/358

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828 THIRTY NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 298. 1866. July 28. 1866- CHAP. CCXCVIII.——An Act to protect the Revenue, and fr other Pwposes, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Oflgggigsr an 2};; States of America in Congress assemblerl, That from and after the tenth fm; Augu; *10; day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, in lieu of the duties now 1866, upon imposed by law on the articles mentioned and emoraced in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on all goods, wares, and merchandise imported from foreign countries, the duties herelqfore [hereinafter] rovided viz: Cigars_ cigm, P On cigars, cigarettes, and chcroots of all kinds, three dollars per pound, sites, and che- and, in addition thereto, fifty per centum ad valorem : Provzded, that paper r°°tS‘ cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars: And provided _/izrtfzer, That on and after the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, no Imported cigars shall be imported unless the same are packed in boxes of not more °lS”S»l*°“’ *0**6 than five hundred cigars in each box; and no entry of any imported paggsvdéo be em cigars shall be allowed of less quantity than three thousand in a single tered,and where package; and all cigars on importation shall be placed in public store or Pltgfeistum ed bonded warehouse, and shall not be removed therefrom until the same Pshall have been inspected and a stamp aflixed to each box indicating such inspection, with the date thereofi And the Secretary of the Treasury is stamps to be hereby authorized to provide the requisite stamps, and to make all neces- P‘°“d"d‘ sary regulations for carrying the above provisions of law into effect; Cotton. Ou cotton, three cents per pound; _ Compounds On all compounds or preparations of which distilled spirits is a com- °‘” PF"P“"‘*‘°‘?s ponent part of chief value, there shall be levied a duty not less than that -ot‘distilledsp1r- . . . . . . . . its. imposed upon distilled spmts: Provzded, That brandy and other spirit- Brandy, spirit— uous liquors may be imported in casks or other packages of any capacity ¤Q¤Sliq“°”¤”¤d not less than thirty gallons; and that wine in bottles may be imported in wines how to be . . impmed; boxes containing not less than one dozen bottles of not more than one quart _ ifiu less quan- each ; and wine, brandy,'or other spirituous liquor imported into the United {gf fgé; *;;*,2; States, and shipped after the.first day of October, eighteen hundred and ) 1 · • • . • • · » p,;5€,imd_ SIXEY-SIX, in any less quantity than herein provided for, shall be forfeited to the United States. vmés M_ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the second proviso in section tween the four of an act entitled "An act amendatory of certain acts imposing du- U¤l*°d S‘”P“ ties upon foreign importations," approved March three, eighteen hundred and Sandwich . . _ . . Islands, &,,_ not and sixty-five, shall be construed to include any ship, vessel, or steamer to to pay tonnage or from any port in the Sandwich Islands or Society Islands. 2;*;}; am;’;’r_m”‘“ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of an`act entitled 1865,ch. so, "An act to authorize protection to be given to citizens of the United VOL xiii- P- 493- States who may discover deposits of guano," approved August eighteen, Guam), cx, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, as prohibits the exportthereof, is hereby pqrmticn of cer- suspended in relation to all persons who have complied with the pr0—

    • ,*56 eh_ ,6* visions of section second of said act, for five years from and after the

Vol. in. p. 119. fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Fishing bww 4. ‘And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws alties repealed. lowing fishing bounties to vessels hereafter licensed to engage in the fisheries be, and the same are hereby, repealed: Provided, That, from and Dum, mm, be after the date of the passage of [t]his act, vessels licensed to engage in remitted <>¤_€¤1¤ the fisheries may take on board imported salt in bond to he used in curing Eg? m °"“"g Hsh, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, and upon proof that said salt has been used in curing fish, the duties on the same shall be remitted. * G00F1S Mrivmz Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the passage of atggsggggigd this act, all goods, wares, or merchandise arriving at the ports of New hiipiaces in _ York, Boston, and Portland, or any other port of the United States which ’*dJ“°°“* P*`°"‘“' may be specially designated by the Secretary of the Treasury and d05- ces, &o. may be . . . . . _. . . ’ entered and ca,. tmed for places m the adgacent. British provinces, or arriving at the p0ff ¤i¢dtkr0ugh,&<>- of Point Isabel, Texas, or any other port of the United States which