Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/692

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662 TREATY WITH THE CHIPPEWA INDIANS. OCTOBER 18, 1864. Michigan, on the eighteenth day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, between the United States, by their Commissioners, and the Chippewas of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, in the State of Michigan, with the following amendments, viz: - lst. Article 4, after the word “ rights," at the end of line 11, insert the following: in the lands, buildings. 2d. Same article, page 13. line 7, strike out the words “ in fee simple," and insert in lieu thereof the following: in trust for ilu benefit of said Indians. _ 3d. Article 7, after the word "acres," in line 9, insert as follows: qf land, suyect to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. And whereas the foregoing amendments have been fully interpreted and explained to the undersigned, chiefs and headmen of the Chippewas of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, we do hereby agree to and ratify the same. Done at the Mackinac Agency, in the State of Michigan, on this eighteenth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. S. D. SIMONDS, chief, his x mark. san.] LYMAN BENNETT, headman, his x mark. snsn.] JOHN PAY-ME-QUO-UNG, chief, his x mark. [SEAL.] WILLIAM SMITH, headman, his x mark. [s12A!..] ANDREW O-SAIV-WAW-BUN, chief, his x mark. [SEAL.] JAMES KAW-GE-GAY-O-SAY, headman, his x mark. [sean.] NAW-TAW-WAY, chief, his x mark. [scar,.] KAY-SHE-SHAW-WAY, headmnn, his x mark. sein. WILLIADI SMITH, chief, his x mark. sian"] WILLIAM HART, headmau, his x mark. sian,.] NAW-YVE-KE-ZHICK, chief, his x mark. snan.] I-YALK, headman, his x mark. sean. NAY-AW-BE-TUNG, chief his x mark. SEAL. KAW-GE-GAY-BE, headman, his x mark. snan. SAML. MEZHAW-QUAW-NAW—RUN, chief, his x mark. sE.u.. JOHN P. WILLIAMS, headman, his x mark. sam,. L. PAY-BAW-WAW-SHE, chief, his x mark. san,. NE-GAW-NE-QUO-UM, headman, his x mark. ssaL. NAUCK-CHE-GAW-ME, chief, his x mark. san.. ME-SQUAW-WAW-NAW-QUOT, headman, his x mark. snat. ELIJAH PILCHER, chief, his x mark. [sean PAIM-WAY-WE-DUN G, headman, his x mark. san.. DAVID FISHER, chief, his x mark. sen,. WAW-BE-MAIV-NE·DO, headman, his x mark. ssrn,.] NE-BE-NAY-AW-NAW-QUOT-VVAY-BE, chief, his x mark. sian,. KEY·O-GWAW-NAY-BE, headman, his x mark. san.. ELLIOTT KAY-BAY, chief, his x mark. sku,. In the presence of- RICHD. M. SMITH. lZ S. Indian Agent. Cues. R. Roma, H SC Inzeopreter. Amos F. ALBRIGHT, Supt. Mid. JOHN IRoNs, Missionary. Gzoacn BRADLEY, late Mssionaq.