Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/721

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TREATY WITH THE OSAGE INDIANS. Savrmnmn 29, 1865. 691 Snm-xs-ws·ra-Na-nu, his x mark. Sus-wan-rm, his x mark. Gm.-in, his x mark. Hu-Ls-wsu-suo-sus, his x mark. Ns-rs-rox-cs-ws-xr, his x mark. Num-rs.-wsu-cv, his x mark. HA·SKA-HON-NE, his x mark. Attest: G. C. Sxow, ZZ S. Neosho End. Agent. Mrmozx W. Rmmoms, Acting Okrk. Tuaonoam C. WILSON, Plwnogmphic R rter.•m: Bzmrr, bmrpreter Osage M:h’m. Witnesses, Little Bear's Band: Ks-wsu-no-rzs, his x mark. O-xm-rs-HOLA, his x mark. Mn-msvrrn, his x mark. White Hair’s band of witnesses: Sum-Ks-ws·s1n, councillor of White Hair’s, his x mark. Ws-sua-ws, his x mark. Kx·um-xs-srzsqau, his x mark. Ks-ua-xs-wa-sum-rm-sux, his x mark. Saw-rn-xa-La, his x mark. Wa-·rza-sum-xs., his x mark. Wa-No-rs-sun, his x mark. Sum-na-xs-sm, his x mark. Na-xoo-La-uno, his x mark. O-KEHPA-KA-LOB, his x mark. Kn-Nu-m-cs, his x mark. Ps-so-M0-zu, his x mark. We the undersigned, chiefs and headmen of the Clermont and Black Dog Band of the Great Osage nation, in council at Fort Smith, Ark., have had the foregoing treaty read and explained in full by our interpreter, L. P. Ohouteau, and fully approve the provisions of said treaty glade by our brothers the Osages, and by this signing make it our act and cod. CLERMONT, chil of Clermont Band, his x mark. PALLEY, 2d ch£ of Clermont Band, his x mark. HAH-TI-IN-GAH, (D Feather,) counsellor, his x mark. KAH-HA-CHE-LA-TOYN, brave, his x mark; DO—TAH-CALH-SHE, brave, his x mark. BLACK DOG, chfl Black Dog Band, his x mark. WILLIAM PENN, 2d chil Black Dog Band, his x mark. BROKE ARM, counsellor, his x mark. NE—KAH-KE—PON-NAH, brave, his x mark. NE-KAH-GAH-HEE, brave, his x mark. Witnesses: WAH-SKON—MON-NEY, his x mark. WAH·KON-CHE-LA, his x mark. Wm-sm-sua-wana:-m·csm his x mark. PAH-CHA·HUN-GAH, his x mark. Lone Bow, his x mark. WAH-sua-wm-Ls, his x mark. Wan Enom, his x mark. PON-HON·GLE-GAH-TON, his x mark. SUN Down, his x mark. Ton-women-m, his x mark. Wsu~cm-0-mu-sum, his x mark.