Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/878

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848 INDEX. C/tie;" Medical Purveyor Ohippmvaa of .$u_qinaw, §u:an Creek, and Black of the army, runk, pay, &c. of . . 335 River, Mzclzagrtn, (continued.) to give bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 if it conducts school, Soc. ucceptably Chief q" Engineers, for ten years, to have patents for appointment, runk, pay, &c.. . . . . . . . . . . . 335 land, m trust for Indians . 659, 661 Chief of ()rduance, part of payments to be retained for agnappointment of. . 336 cultural implements, stock? shops, &c. 659 ChiqfS(qnal Qjieer, 'mill, and land at Isabella City, may be rank, pay, &c. of . . . . . .335, 336 sold . .. 659 C,'/t[¢ ty' the Osuyes, James Nicholson may select 80 acres upon, five hundred dollars to be paid to, aunu- &c. . 659, 660, 661 al ly . . . . . . ... . . 689 eighth article of former treaty not affected 660 C/lien, Pierre, amendments . 661 payment to, for services to the Crow In- Choctaws, dians. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 499 appropriations for the . . 258, 259, 497 Children, C7z0ctaws and C/zickasaws, of soldiers und sailors, provisions us to treaty with, of April 28, 1866 .. 760 pensions to . . . . . . 58, 230 pence and friendship with the United China, States uml with lmliuns .. . . . 769 mail stenmship service between, and Sen slavery and involuntary servitude to cease 769 Francisco .. 49 ecssion of lands known us the leased dismeil stesunship service between Sun Fran· trict to the United States 769 cisco und, appropriation for . . 394 purchase-money of lands to be invested prisons for American convicts in, appro- and held in trust by the United States priation for rent of .. 414 until, &c ... . 769, 770 See Japan. provisions as to persons of African de- China Seas, scent resident in the nation. . .769, 770, 778 survey of . . .. . .. . . . . . 38 rights of negroes und freedmcn . 7 70 C/eipmzm, Elizabeth F., negrocs may be witnesses .. 770 payment to, for horse lost by her husband frccdmcn to have fhir psy for labor by in the military service , . . 634 contract, und contracts to be enforced. 770 C/ulvpewas, to have us much land as they may appropriations for the . 256, 257, 258, 261, cultivate for themselves and funn- 271, 273, 274, 310, 494-497, 504 lies ... . ... 770 annuity of, to be restored .. 379 amnesty for oitences against the United treaty with, of April 7, 1866 ... 765 States, and against the Indian govern- See Bois Forte Indians. ments . 770 Chfppewas of Saghzmv, Swan Creek, and Black property of the late confedcrate States Iriver, Mt1:hiqan, within possession to be given up .. 782 treaty with, of October 18, 1864 .. . . 657 right of way grunted through their countownships of reserved lands, released to try for railroads 771 the United States ... 657 damages . 7 71 right to locate and purchase certain lands, companies and their servants subject released ... 657 to laws and rules ... 771 certain lands set upnrt for, in Isabella Indians may subscribe to the stock of the county ,... 657 companies and pay therefor in contigumode end order of selections of land in ous lands ., 771 lieu of those relinquished 657 this stock to be at first mortgage and selections by others 658 perpetual lien und entitled to six Williltrn Smith and others may select per cent interest or its proportion lunds and receive patents therefor . 658 of dividends 771 certain Ottawas, Chippewns, and Potts.- lands thus subscribed not to be sold. Sze. 771 wutomies, may select end hold lends. . 658 patents for, when to be issued to coinagent to make out lists of those who have panics . 771 mude selections of lands .. . .. 658 other lends may be selected in lieu of ocpersons included therein to be divided enpicd sections . 771 into two classes 658 legislation, by Congress, for rights of per- "competents," " those not so sons and property .. 771 competent " 658 s general council may be convened nnnupatents to those of both classes 658 elly . .. 772 manual-labor school ... 658 to consist of whom, and members board of visitors .. 659 how selected . . . 772 missionary society of Methodist Episco- members to which each tribe is enti— pei church, to erect suitable buildings tied ... 772 or school, &c 659 time und place of meetings ... . . 772 to have control of school and farm, length of sessions . 772 &e. ... 659 special sessions .. . 772 annual appropriation . . 659 powers of 772 may be suspended 659 president and secretary ot', and puv may use present school—house. .— . 659 of secretary ... H. 772 if missionary society abandons school or pay and mileage of members ... 772 farm it loses its rights under this census of the tribes to be taken . 772 treaty , 659 courts may be established in the terriif it docs not accept trust .. 659 tory . . . . . .. 773