Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/931

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INDEX. 901 Kansas, (continued.) Keokuk and Hamilton Mississippi Brélqe Oo., lands, bow to inure to the bcnedt of the may build bridge across the Mississippi company .. 21 1 river .. 245 lands granted vo, lu aid of the construe- Keplinger, John, tion of the Kansas and Neosho Valley payment te, as an enlisted soldier 645, 646 Railroad .. 236 Kickapoos, extent of grant and selection of appropriations for the .. 260, 501 lands .. . . . . 230, 237 Kidnapping, conditions of grant ... 237 act to prevent and punish .. 50 rights given to other roads ..237, 238 IGowas, public luuds granted to, to aid the Union appropriations for the . . 259, 276, 493 Pacific Railroad Company, southern Kioways, brunch. so construct, &c. a railroad appropriations for the . 493 from Fort Riley to Fort; Smith ... 289 Kiowqys and Oamanchcs, extent and conditions of grant and treaty wich, of October 18, 1865 717 selection of lands 289, 290 See Caznanches and Kzbways. grant of public lands to, to aid in the con- Klamaihs, struction of u. bridge over the Republl· appropriations for the .. 277, 501 can river .. 574 Klaus, Alvin, Kansas and Neosho Val}? R. R. Co., payment: to. . . . . . 602 lands granted to snsas in aid of the Kleinschmidz, Ernst F., construction of, and of its extension to payment rc, in reimbursement for interim! Red river .. 236 revenue tax wrongly collected of him. 634 exten: of grunt and selection of Klopjizr, H. A.., lands .. 236, 237 gmymont to, for services ... 26 condisions of gram. ... 237 Kna, b, George W., righcof way through public lands granted pension to ... 629 to 237 Koolenayn, ma exrend ins mud southerly, through appropriations for the .. 270, 501 che Indian Territory to the Red river 238 or to near Preston, Texas .. 238 righz of through Indian '1‘crrit.ory .. 238 L- limimmions and conditions of grant. 238 Laborers, may negotiate with Indians and others pa ment to those employed upon the publbr lands . . . 238 lic works, not to be regarded as income other railroads may unite with this. after from s:1‘lm·ics ..t... . .140, 480 ic is located to the valley of the Neosho appropriations tor, and for additional pay river .. 238 of certain . 456 if certain other companies complete their Laborers in Capitol, road to n certain oint, before this road appropriations for . 205, 206 is completed m than point, such other Lac de Flumbeau Indians, company may construct the road appropriations for the ... .. 257 thence to Preston, Texas, with grant Lac La Belle Harbor Im rovement Company, of lands, &c . . ... 238, 239 grant of lands to Iviicliigun for use oi, for Marisa: Indiana, ship canal ... . . 80 appropriations for the .. 260, 501 Lager Beer. Seo Beer. non over ten thousand may be received internal revenue tax upon . 16-I, 475 into certain pur; of the Choctaw, &c. fractional parts of a barrel, and how nccountry. . ., . ... . ... 777 — 779 counted 164, 475, 476 to be fellow-cizizens of, and have the same Lakes. The Northeastern and N0rthweste•·n. riglnts ns the Chocmws, &c ... 777 — 779 approerintion for survey of, and of public Keepers of Lighthouses, wor s on ... 62, 418 salaries of, ro be regulated by the Secre- survey of northern and northwestern 488 tary of the '1‘rensury 425 Soo Pull/ic Works. average not to exceed 35 600 each 426 Lake Winvaebagoshislc Indians, Keenan, limes, up oprintions for the . . 258, 273, 496 payment so representatives for loss on ex- Land (whim, change 640 of heirs of John E. Bouligny confirmed. . 635 Kelley, E X., Land Claims, Private. See Privale Land papers in cnse oh to be referred back to Claims. court of claims . 644 ae: for final adjustment of certain .. 544 court to gran: a relieming, if; &c.. . . 644 Land Districts, Kelley, W. B., additional, established in Oregon ... 82 pension to ... 603 boundaries of any, in Oregon, may bc KelZQ<L<I, Spencer, changed . _.: 83 pension to ... 585 the President may establish additional, . Kentucky, whenever he deems necessary, and eppostrronds established in. ..,.. . . 287, 552 point; officers ... 252 Kcntuclcq Militia Forces, Arizona, established ... 542, 543 claims of r.-crmin, under the command of Montana, established . ... . . 542, 543 James S. Fish, to be investigated nnd Land Grants, to paid .. 565 Amiot, Augustus.: ... 580 rates 0i' pay .. 565 Bawdin, J ames, heirs, &c. of ... 578 actual services only to be ullowcd for 565 Domingues, José . 589