Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/338

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306 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 122. 1869. chase and fit up said building for the said purpose: Provided, That the same can be done at an expense not larger than the said forty-six thousand dollars. &Cqur;:¤:==¤h For court-house and post-ofiicc in Portland, Maine, twenty-five thousand C. IH l' 87) · ’ dollars. M ~. _ _ t·;;;r¤isg¤·s‘ For appra,iscrs’ stores, Phxladelplua, twenty-five thousand dollars. °*};’;;$· Y*"*”‘1°l‘ For branch mint, San Francisco, one hundred and fifty thousand P Bganch mint, dollars. I I San Frmici¤<><>- For court-house, Springfield, Illinois, twenty-five thousand dollars; Sp(3£f],"[§él;Q’_“f,ij Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury may, at his discretion, v01. Slvi. p. 11. designate: any officer of the United States who has given bonds For the (]€¥;*:]?l;;'5‘5f‘;’° fhithful performanc<a of his duties, as disbursing agent for the payment of di;){§,.Q;,{g " ali moneys than are or may be appropriated for the construction of public nswrfs Fvrpubiic buildimrs authorized by law in their respective districts. buildings. ° ]¤*¤*'i<>*'d<*>· INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. parcment. mggf’§$_;‘gm_ Rent of Officefor Surveyors- General. — For rent of surveyor-genera1’s my and expenses oHicc in the Territory of Dakota, fuel, books, sta.bionery, and other incideni¤ D=¤k¤¤¤; tal expenses, two thousand dollars. in Kansas; For office rent; of the survcy0r—gm1ara1 of Kansas, fuel, books, station- _ ery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. m C°]°’“d°¤ For rent of ofiiice for the surveyor-gcncral of Colorado Territory, fue], N books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. in_ BW For rent of surveyor-gcneraI’s omcc-2 for the Territory of New MIGXMO, M°m°°’ fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand two hundred dollars. wif gQ;;‘;:{‘“ For rent of SUPVGYOP-g€D€l`Hl’S of10a of California and Arizcnia, [Ari- ' zona,] fuel, books, stationcrypmd other incidental expenses, four thousand dollars. m O"°g°“; For rent of surveyor-g0neraI’s office in Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental cxpcnscs, including pay of mcssc11g<ar,_two thousand _ _ dollars. TQQ.¥€;};`°gt°" For offive rem for tshc surveyor-general of WVashingt0n Territory, fuel, _ books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. m m“h°¤ For mnt of office of the survc O1`-"`€H€l'21l of Idaho fuel, books sta- . . . V ¤ . · ’ ' T tmncry, and other incidental expenses, two thousand hvc hundred dollars. ¤¤ Mvw: For rant of ofliec for the surveyor-general of Nevada, fuel, books, sts.- tioncry, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars.

  • “I°“"‘ *“‘d For office rent. of the surve or veneer l f I d N b· k f I

Nik sk; U . l ly - sx 0 owaan 8l21S0.,l1€ ° rn A books, stationery, and other mcndentgl expenses, two thousand dollars. , in M°“‘”·“’·? For Sent of officc of surveyo1·-general of Montana, fuel, books, stationcry. an other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. in LW'- For mnt of officc of the surveyor-general of the Territory of Utah, fuc1, books, stutioncr , and other incidental cx cnscs two thousand dollars. G l 'al ¤ ~ y - P ’ mw‘;‘;°§(l‘m° Ijor a. coptmuancc of the geological survey of the Territories of the m,.m,,.;(,s, United States, by Professor Plnydan, under the direcniou of the Secretary _ _ of che Intorxor, ten thousand dollars. mizffgtffms °f For continuing the collection of statistics of mines and mining, by ,,,1.,;..g, P1‘0f<{SS0l‘_ R. W. Raymond, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under .mmSm_ or the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. The sum of twenty-fivc fuxjmur nppmppi. hum red dollars appropriated For said purpose by the act of July twenty, wggk rh 177 cjghtccn hundred and sixty-eight, shall be transferred by the commis- AML 1,:115: smncr of the general land officc to the Treasury Department to be cx- ·»}?éW$&"$1$"’ ,5;;%* Z? $*1*;* - · I A F · arcmmcwfCuP_ I »§ mz gr Itae » upervzsyqn of tu: rcutect of the Oapztol

w;,,xF,,,,S;0n_ ]]xtqn.swn.-—-I*or Hmshing and 1-cpzuring the work of the United States

ioignpnfol exten- Capnml extension, seventy-five thousand dollars. s . - . . . . Dome of mpi_ 6 IS`? finxshéng gud repmring the work 011 the new dome of the Capxbol, wl. vc xousan dollars.