Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/647

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TREATY WITH THE KING OF PRUSSIA. FEBRUARY 22, 1868. 615 Treaty between the United States of America and the Eng of Prussia. Ooncluded at Berlin, February 22, 1868; Proclaimed by the President af the United States, May 27, 1868. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Feb. 22, 1868. A PROCLAMATION. Wnnrznas a treaty between the United States of America and his Ma- Preamble. jesty the King of Prussia in the name of the North German Confederation, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Berlin, on the twenty-second day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight; which treaty, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United Der Prasident der Vereinigten Cqntructing States of America- and his Majesty Staaten von Amerika and Seine P“°‘°" the King of Prussia in the name of Majestat der Konig von Preussen the North German Confederation, im Namendes Norddeutschen Bunled by the wish to regulate the citi- des, von dem Wunsche geleitet, die zenship of those persons who emi- Staatsangehorigkeit deijenigen Pergrate from the North German Con- sonen zu regeln, welche aus dem federation to the United States of Norddeutsclien Bunde in die Ver- America, and from the United einigten Staaten von Amerika, und States of America to the territory .aus den Vereinigten Staaten von of the North German Confedera- Amerika in das Gebiet des Nordtion, have resolved to treat on this deutschen Bundes einwandern, hasubject, and have for that purpose ben beschlossen iiber diesen Gegenappointed plenipotentiaries to con- stand zu unterhande1n,und zu diesem clude a convention; that is to say, Behufe Bevollmachtigte ernannt, um the President of the United States eine Uebereinkunft abzuschliessen, of America, George Bancroft, envoy namlich: extraordinary and minister plenipo- Der Prasident der Vereinigten tentiary from the said States near Staaten von Amerika den ausserorthe King of Prussia and the North dentlichen Gesandten und bevoll· German Confederation, and his Ma- machtigten Minister Georg Banjesty the King of Prussia, Bernhard croft, und Seine Majestat der Konig Konig, privy counsellor of legation, von Preussen, Allerhochstihren Gewho have agreed to and signed the heimen Legations-Rath Bernhard following articles: Konig, welche die folgenden Artikel vereinbart und unterzeichnet haben : Artrxonm I. Anrrxm. I. Citizens of the North German Angehiirige des Norddeutschen G;V£§g8I$£’;g Confederation, who become natural- Bundes, welolie naturalisirte Staats- t,.,,,,,,,,, as Ame,. ized citizens of the United States of angehorige der Vereinigten Staa- ican citizens: America and shall have resided un- ten von Amerika geworden sind und interrupted1y within the United fnnf Jahre lang ununterbrochen in States five years, shall be held by den Vereinigten Staaten zugcbracht the North German Confederation to haben,sol1en von dem Norddentschbe American citizens, and shall be en Bunde als Amerikanische Antreated as such. gehorige erachtet und als solche behandelt werden. Reciprocally: citizens of the Ebenso sollen Staatsangehorige when bigmeri- United States of America who be~ der Vercinigten Staaten von Ameri- °“””° "°°°'