Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/661

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CONVENTION WITH ITALY. MARCH 23, 1868. 629 Convention between the United States and the Eng of Daly for the Jurrender of Criminals; Ooncluded at Washington, March 23, 1868; Ratified September 17, 1868; Proclaimed September 30, 1868. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: March 28, 18%. A PROCLAMATION. Wnsmzss a convention for the surrender of criminals between the Preamblo. United States of America and his Majesty the King of Italy was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Washington on the twenty-third day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, which convention, being in the English and Italian languages, is word for word as follows : —- CONVENTION FOR THE SURRENDER I CONVENZIONE PER. IKESTRADIZIONE or CRIMINALS BETWEEN THE pm CRIMINALI son Msnstri IL UNITED STATES or AMERICA AND mc I>’ ITALIA E om STATI UNITI me Munsrr THE KING or ITALY· n' AMERICA. The United States of America Sua Maesta il Re d’Italia e gli 09¤¥¤‘¤¤¤¤z and his majesty the King of Italy, Stati Uniti di America, avendo giu- P"""' having judged it expedient, withta dicato spediente affine di assicurare view to the better administration of una migliore amministazione della justice, and to the prevention of giustizia e prevenire i delitti ne' riscrimes within their respective terri· pettivi lor territorii 0 giurisdizione, tories and jurisdiction, that persons di consegnarsi a vicenda in certe convicted of or charged with the determinate circostanze gli individui crimes hereinafter specified, and condannati o accusati de' crimini being fugitives from justice, should, indicati piu sotto, che sieno fuggitivi under certain circumstances, be re- dalla giustizia, hanno risoluto di conciprocally delivered up, have re- chiudere una Convenzione d’Estrasolved to conclude a convention for dizione, ed hanno nominato a questo that purpose, and have appointed as scopo per loro Plenipotenziarii: their plenipotentiaries: the Presi- Sua Maestail Re d’Italia, il Comdent of the United States, William mendatore Marcello Cerruti, suo In- H. Seward, Secretary of State; his viato Straordinario,e Ministro Plen- Majcsty the King of Italy, the Com- ipotenziario, presse gli Stati Uniti. mander Marcello Cerruti, envoy ex- Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti, traordinary and minister plonipoten- Guglielmo H. Seward, Segretario tiary; who, after reciprocal commu· di Stato. nication of their full powers, found I quali dopo essersi comunicati i in good and due form, have agreed loro pieni poteri e questi trovati upon the following articles, to wit: in buona e debita forma, hanno convenuto negli articoli seguenti, cioé: ARTICLE I. Amucono I. The government of the United Il Governo Italiano,e il Governo Certainper- States and the government of Italy degli Stati Uniti convengono di con- ;;’_“;,;Q';;$’°:3$ mutually agree to deliver up per- segnersi reciprocameute gli indi- Garmin cyimosm sons who, having been convicted of vidui, i quali essendo stati condnan- W d¤li*·’¤Y¤d VP or charged with the crimes specified nati, o essendo accusati dei crimini in the following article, committed specificati neil' articolo seguente, within the jurisdiction of one of the commessi nella giurisdizione di una