Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/765

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INDEX. 133 Commissioner 0/`Education, (continued. 90,,,,,,* · Rem, · n {Oi- furnishing offices and stationetiy . 8 toiprztdnqdelididiabf booth? igguilelitichgzds to obtain certain educational statistics in and wholesale dealers 143 the District of Columbia, and report to rescribe form of same to Congress,. .. .. . .. _ .. 26 lgaf tobacco 158 to report to Congress upon the relative to appointdetectives, not exceeding twenefllctency of the system of public ty-five 145 schools in the District of Columbia, toprescribe regulations for and whether additional legislation is where sppciel tax is imposed . . . . i 152 necessary .. 26 to rescri form o e i chief officer of office of education to be so tbbacco, stock on tlxdndliliy. if 155 styled. . . . ... _ ... . .. I 06 ·to prescribe books of accounts, manufacsalary of, established . . . . .. 106 turers of tobacco. . . . ... . . . . 155 _ dut.ies, &<:. of . . ... 106 to prepare stamp for tobacco  :. . 155 Uommmioncr of l·'reedmen’s Bureau, to establish bonded warehouse at port of duty ot', in regard to the collection and entry .. 157 payments of moneys, &c. due to colored to prescribe regulations for export waresoldiers, sailors, or marines, residents house for tobacco . .. 157 of States where slavery existed in to report to Congress at December ses- 1860 .. 26 sion the details bi certain expenditures 290 discovery, payment, &.e. of claimants to to estimate in detail, by collection disbe facilitated ... . ... . ... 26 tricts, the expenses of assessing and to he held responsible for custody und dis- collecting internal revenue ... 290 bursennents of such funds 26 Commissioner of Patents, to adhere to scale of fees in settlement may appoint additional principal and with agents or attorneys ... .. 26 assistant examiners in patent olliee. 10, 11 to pay balances due in current funds, and to rent rooms lor business of office .. 119 not in checks or drafts .. 27 to give detailed statement of money reto make disbursement under rules govern- ccived and expended 119 ing disbursing officers ol' the army 27 in case of death, &c. of, who to pertbrin relief of the destitute in the southern duties of office, until successor is apand southwestern States to be made pointed 168 through 28 appropriation for pay, Src. of 293, 294 Commissioner ry General Land Ojicc, to make full und detailed report of mode appropriations for . 100, 291 of expenditure of-contingent expenses to continue geological explorations of appropriation to Congress ut each Depublic lands in Nebraska 119 cember session ... . .. ... 294 to transfer to Treasury Department the appointment of .. ... .. 294 appropriation for collecting statistics Commissioner of Pensions, of mines and mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 appropriations for the . 100 Cbnunissioner of Indian A_j"airs, Cbmmissiouer of Public Buildings, power oh to make treaties with Indians money appropriated to be expended under repealed .. . ... . 9 direction on to be expended under this act prohibiting making treaties, direction of chief engineer of the army, &c. repealed ... . 18 &c 9 appropriations for the . 100; 172, 291 Commissioners, hereafter to supervise the affliirs of the to Indian country, appropriation for ex- Eastern or North Carolina Chcrokees.. 228 penscs of .. 1 Commissioner of Intermzl Revenue, to be appointed to ascertain the amount appropriations for the,&c 98, 99, 173, 290 of money spent by Indiana and Ohio not to be required to give bond . 290 in raising, ·c. State forces during the special, to act as director of bureau ofsta- rebellion .. 9, 10 _ tisties ... ;. 97 their powers, duties, mode of working, to fix fees for inspecting and gauging 149 &c , ... 9, 10 to prescribe form of gauger’s return . 147 for adjustment of claims upon the repubwhen to discontinue warehouse . 149 lic of Venezuela, pay and travel ot, in. 18 authorized to adopt hydrometers, &c 125 contingent expenses of 18 to prescribe rules for inspection of spirits, upon railroads, to make report to Secre· Svc . ... 125 tary of Interior, and when., . 79 to require changes in distillery apparatus 126 to revise and consolidate the statutes, apto prescribe forms of bond, &c . . 127 propriations for 111 to make linal decision relative to dis- Commissioners of Circuit Courts, tiller’s bond. .. 127 may take proof of debts in bankruptcy may require new bond, when ... 128 proceedings, subject, &c . , ... 228 to revise report of survey and direct s. re- C'ammzssz0ners of Electron, _ _ survey .. . . ... . 129 three to be appointed in each voting preprescribe locks and seals for distillery... 131 cmet in the cities of Washington and to exempt distillers of brandy made from Qeorgetown . : .. 27 grapes, &c. from provisions of law 125 their term of office, duties, powers, and to approve of distillery warehouse .. 130 pav .. _ _ .. _ ... 2 7 to prescribe rules for entry of spirits in falsely swearing m certain matters before, warehouse.' .. . . 1,35 to_ be periury t. . . . . . 27 to prescribe manner of affixing and can· Commissioners cy" the Varzous Offices, cellation of stamps .. 137, 155 appropriations for the ... 97, 100, 291, 292