Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/819

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INDEX. 737 Mwignggllg E, 4 2 National Jimgcing Associations, (continued.) ... 2 ‘ Mounted Vol S, o buegopd-Natioua1Bank of Platts- 281 services of wftqin, mny be eccepred to in lieu of all reports. suppress hostilities with Indians .. 17 make not less than five reports each psy} submstence, &c. of, if accepted .. 17 year to the comptroller of the currency 326 Mount emon tzgrsenpl, form of reports ... . . . . .. ... . . . 826 e rormonsor ... . 66 reos w v" M.,w.F’feEt.. ¤.M Amor P 22’.E‘?.ln2°»3Tl.t‘?‘TT`f°f*.‘T’}" “°°°“°°"‘ 322 of the Union, appropriation for relief of. . 311 to be sent to comptroller to be applied to the preservation and days after receipt of request thererepsir of the property at Mount for . . 326 Veppgp. . Q. .. to be 'pubhshed in some newspaper r w _ ir c u . in the ace where the association Muache Band of Ute Indians, is established . . . 326 treaty with tléegog 2, 1868 ... 619 if no newspaper there, then in newsums. a er in cou ' Mulligan, on James A, 5.5;., .. ‘}Y¥}'?.?}???.‘T?‘TT7SF m ect for relief of widow and children of. . . 374 proof of publication to be such as rc- Mullzgan, Marian, quired by compotroller ... 826 payment to .. . ... 374 special reports may called for by the Mar er, comptroller ... . ... . 826 indictments for, to be found within five penalty for failing to make and transmit years from, &c .. 183 reports as required .. . .. 826 1[useum, Army Medical, how may be collected . 826 nppropyiations for 316 to be paid into the treasury 326 Mutzlated ores of the United States additional reports to be mode to compmny be cancelled and replaced . 34 troller of the amount of such dividend declared, and of the net earnings in excess of such dividends . 827 N_ to be made within ten days after do- · clnring each dividend . . . . 827 Names, bow to be attested 327 provisions as to change of', for residents penalties for not complying with the in the District of Columbia .. 33 provisions of law on this subject. . 327 National Association jbr the Relief of Dmitute officers, clerks, or agents of not to certify Colored Wownen and Children, checks thereon, unless the drawer has in the Districtof Columbia, appropriation at the time, on deposit in the bank, an to aid in supporting .,.., 309 amount of money equal to the check., 885, how to be ex ended ... 809 · 336 National Association o/P American Slwrpshooters, checks so certified to he good and valid certain duties remitted to ... 431 against the bank ... 336 National Asylumpr Disabled Volunteer Sokllers, penalty for unlawfully <·ertifying checks. . 336 members of Congress may be elected accessories to the embezzlement of the managers of the 1 funds, &c. ot] by their officers, how barracks, buildings, &c. at Camp Chase punished . . .. . . 339 to be turned over to managers of . 21 National Banks, surplus clothing, quurtermesters’ and shares in, to taxed where... . 34 medical stores to be sold to, at first of non—res1dents ... . . . . . .. 34 prices . 21 temporary loan certificates, issued to reresolution appointing managers of ... 250 deem outstanding compound-mterest ordnance and small arms furnished to, notes to form part of reserve of .. 183 for, &c. . .. 251 National Cemeteries, National Asymmsjbr Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, approprio.tious for 309 certain books and public documents to be National Currency, _ _ sent to, and to branches . 253 appropriations for expense of issuing 98, 290, National Asy/ums, l 301 ordnance furnished to, for firing salutes. 251 Natumal Hotel Compaply, _ small arms, &e. for guard duty . 251 incci2>omred in eshmgton, D. C,. . z .88, 89 National Banking Associations,. Nutzoncl jk Insurance Company of the United to pay a tax of ten per cent upon notes States qf_America, of cities, &c. paid out hy them after mt to incorporate .. z ... 184, 186 Mny 1, 1867 . . . 6 National Lmcoln Monument Assocmuon, tex, how to be collected ... 6 damaged and captured bronze and brass not to luzm money upon United States guns and ordnance to be placed at the notes, or bunk-notes, as collateml se- disposal of: ... . 334 curity ... . . 270 no delivered st Qprmpheld, Ill 334 not to xvjthliold such notes from use . 270 National Solohere and Sa:/om Orp lan llome, not to offer or receive the custody, &c. of of Washington, D. C., upproprnmons for 13, such notes as collateral .. 270 233. 310 penalzy upon, and upon officers for vi0ln· V how to be expended. . .. .13, 310 tion ... . . . . . .. . . . . . 270 Natural2zalz·0r2, nemo of City National Bank of New Or- when rights of, may be held to be releuns shall be changed, &c. when, &c. . 281 nounced under trcztty Wlllll Prussia... . . 616