Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/822

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790 INDEX. Nevada, (continued.) New Mexico Terrilmjiy, (continued.) portions of, uml of California, made a claims to be surveyed and platter], and land district ... . 68 patents to issue . 342 land office to be located where. . 68 surveys to conform to public survevs 342 salary of district attorney tor, estab- New Orleans, Mobile, Q- Chatianoqya R. ·R. C°o, lished .. · 109, 110 may construct bridges across certain navappropriations for orlice of surveyorgen- igable waters . . . I 38 eral of . ,..tl0l. lib, 292, 306 road and bridges declared lawful strucfor surveying l>oundm·y line between, tunes and :1 posuroed 38 and Colorado .. H6 dmwbridges to be maintained in chuneastern bounrlnry ol`. .. ll7 nels .,... . . 38 northern boundnry of ..,... 308 when to be opened .. . . 38 for surveys of public lands in. . .116, 308 Mwpod and (»v7.I·CI·7Z)IG[f Igflllhlé, post-romls established in . 51, l9l, 33l assent of Congress given to the construcappropriutions tbr Lnlinn service in . 199, non of ‘ . 3 47, 349 220 muy be withdrawn . . . S48 Newark, M J, Newspapers, _ collection (customs) district of, extended 273 limit of} to senators and representatives New Hunzpsfiire, in Congress 35 post-roads csmblished in . . . .191, 331 appropriations for, for senators and repre- New Lrszgy, scntutives 92, 94, 284, 285 postmonds established in ... . .51, 191, 331 for purchase of, for files 0tQ for library New London, Ot.,` of Congress. . 95, 285 appropriation for survey of site for navy weekly, may be sent to l`BgUlRl` Subscribyitrd nt ,... 303 ers in county free of postage . 195 Mwriuziii, Z ulock T., carriers not required to distribute p -nsion to ... 405 them, unless, &c 195 New .l[»rh:a, rates of postage upon, &c. with certain cemziii Ltws passed by the legislative as- foreign countries. . .545, 563, 565, 569, 573, semoly of, made valid ... 23 577, 601, 69l Akzw .Uu·e'::0 Territory, See Postage and Tides oflhe several Ihrezzgn post-roads estnhlishcd in ... 51 Countries. appropriation lor governmznt. ... 108, 300 New Trials, for surveyor-general, Svc. of. 101, 115, 292, in court of claims, may be granted on he- 306 half of the United States, within what for surveys of public lands in. . .117, 308 time und for what cause . 75 for Indinu service in ... l98, 220 New York, veto power of the governor of .. 239 post—rou<ls established in 51, 191, 331, 336, sessions of legislative assembly ol`, to be 337 biennial .. . . . . . 300 location of powder magazines in the vicinsecretury of Territory to be m: qjicio su- ity of .. 251, 252 pcrintcmlent of public buildings and New York City, g`l'Ol\llll·i ,.. 240 expenses of army, Svc. at and near, to be snlnry th·>re|`.>r 240 reduced ... 247 to tultninister oaths to members elect buildings to be hired at, for storage of of the lc3;islutnre... . 2+0 army stores, &c . 247, 248 who to at minister the oaths in his appropriation for laying foundation tor `nbsence . . . .. . . . 240 building for post·0Hice nt 305 annual salary ol] estnblislned ... 240 exclmnge of property in the Yun k, authornet to eoulirm certnin private land claims ized, &c ... 305 in, amended ..,. 275, 440 no money to be paid, nor liability inexterior lines of e-lnims of Cornelio Vigil curred . . , ... . . 305 und Crum St. Vrnin, to he adjusted. . . 275 New York and Oswego Midland R. lf. Co., claims of uctuul settlers thereon, to be ad- to have right of way through the public justetl. ,.,.,.. . 275 land at Fort Ontario 345 Vigil and St. Vmin may locate :1 qu2m· Mw York Arsenal, tity of public lands, equal to amount of approprintions for .. . .. 66 homestead and precznption claims of Mtv Yiirk Ilarbor, nctuul settlers . . 275 removal of wreck of steamship Scotland lines of public surveys to be run, &c. . . . .275, from .. 174 276 sunken rock from channel of ... 174 cost thereof to be paid how . 276 resolution to provide for the removal of certain settlers muy enter their improve- the wreck of the steamship Scotland, ments . 276 re ealcd .. 1 plats to clztiumnts . 276 Nez Pcrczs, Su1‘v0ypt‘-general to give notice that sur- appropriations for the .. 2lO, 2ll rcy is being made .. 276 Nez Percé Tribe ty Indians, clnnnunts to select and locnte within what amendntory treaty of August 13, 1868, to time . . 276 the treaty of June 9. 1863 .. . . 693 no suit to be brought after, &c .. 276 reservation to be surveyed . 693 act to confirm certain private lund claims when the ullotments are plowed and in the Territory of .. 342 schools established, the Indians outside claim of the United States only rclin- the reservation may be located upon quished. .. 342. allotments within the reservation. 693