Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1160

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1126 APPENDIX. shall have cn d in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or gwen md or comfort. to thxemiu thereofl This clause shall mcluctie the followting officers: governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of State, audntor of public accounts, second auditor, re istcr of the land office, §mt.e treasurer, attorney-genera], sbcriifs, sergeant 0% a. city or hewn, comm1ssion ex· of the revenue, county sutveyors, ccnsbables, overseen of the popr, commissioner of the boayd of public rworks, judges of the supreme court, Judges of the cnrcmt court., judges of the court of bustings, justices of the county courts, rnayor, recorder, aldermau, councilman of a city or town,é:0roners, escneatorg mspeitors of gobacsobgccgg 8:c., clerks of the su reme, isbric , cxrcux , an coun y c0ur s, an court of hustings, andxttorneys for the Commonwealth; provided thet. tne lcgislature may, by a vote of three fifths 0Q both houses, yemove the dnsabxh- Sommu vm gies ingurred by thm clause from any person mcludcd therem by a. separate vote to be taken on m cac case." the seventh sec- And I also submit to a separate vote the seventh section of article three of “°“ °f ““i°1° the said constitution, which IS in the words following:-— m°°' “In addition to the foregoing oath of office, the governor, heqtenant·g0ve}·- nor, members of the general assembly, secretary of State, eudntor of public accounts, State treasurer, attorney-general, and all persons elected to gny c0n· vention to frame a. constitution for this State: or to amend or revise thxs constntution in any manner, and mayor and council of any city or town snall, before they enter on the duties of theixy respective offices, take and subscrxbe the following oath or affirmation, provided the disabilities therein contained may be individually removed by a three fifths vote of the general assembly: ‘ I, ——, do solemnly swear (or afirm) that I have never vo untarily borne arms against the United States since I have been a. citizen thereof; that I have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel, or encouraiement. to persons engaged nn armed hostility thereto; that I have never snug tnor accepted nor attempted toexercise the functions of any office whatever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to the United States; that I have not yielded 2. joluntgry support any pretc-mded government, authority, power, or constitution within the United States hdstale or nmmxcal thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm) that to the best of my knowledge and ability I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; thabl will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully disch the duties of the office on wbichlamaboub to enter, so help me God} {{1; above oath shall also be taken by all t.he·cit.y and county officers before entering upon their duties, and

 by all other State officers not included in the above provision.”

M<>d<¤ <>f$¤k¤¤s' I direct the vote be bejakeu upon eech of the above-cited provisions alone, uw '°“°· and upon the other portions of the sand constitution in the following manner, vnz: Each voter favoring the ratification of the constitution (excluding the provisions above quoted) as framed by the convention of December 3, 186 7, shall express his judgment by voting Fon Tm: CONSTITUTION. Each voter favoring the rejection of the constitution (excluding the provisions above quoted) shall express his judgment by voting AGAINST Tim CONSTITUTION. Each voter will be allowed to cast a, separate ballot for or against either or both of the provisions above quoted. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Waslxingbon this fourteenth day of May, in the year of [L SJ our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninecv-third. _ U. S. GRANT. By the Premdenb: HAMILTON Fxsu, Secretary of State.