Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1189

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INDEX. 1155 Bujblo, ( continued.) . M fn · grounds knovdnn as Fort Porter iu, may Bwt:0 chicyggytfzggamzm g>?1rt;la!o:i“(;r)sup 2lmpl‘0V€` 386 Pliesiobgexgcuggdingfgrginn ggunno utle to pass hereby, &c . 386 tr exee 1;, &c ° Building Corner F and Seventeenth Streels, cbieghof nga. po · . I l ’ 535 l appropriutiong fol'. . . . . . .. 89 rank.:. . . . . . . gp mm “ t 537 Bzuldzng Lbrpmj Hjteenlh and F Streets, any sm; Gmc". pe,.{·0,.,,,{,,é,'é;l; _appr0pr1a.tnons_fbr 89 oi for ufull term to be cxcnm t from Bucldwg on ‘f G “Meet, pea duty, except, 8tc . 2 .. 537 approprmttons for rent of .. 243 chncfs of, to have what rank and tile 537 mnt ot, not to excccd mn thousand dol- pay of ... 537 lars . . . 243 Bureaus of Treasury Department I I · · l' I • to be dotermincd by Secretary of the appropriations for ’ ... . . 236 -239 Buildings . .. . 243 pro;;§3:t;f¥g;\; ;egar<1 to allowanoe of in and around Washington, D. C., appro- pealod .. I ilimjses 0 ’ re- 237 priations for ... . 503, 504 Burial Grounds, I t· ll l l Bui/d/nys, Gvvernvwf, provisions concerning in the District or under the supervising architect of the Columbia . , . 1 06 107 _ _ treasury, appropriations for. ..509, 510, 5l5 dcdicntion of land for ... I 107 Buzldmgs, Publac, to be exempt from taxes .. .. 107 appropriations for furniture and repairs penalty for injuring enclosures, or tonnim of tnrniture for . . . .. 497 or in criptnons, or trees, or shrubs 107 fuel, lights, und water . 497 Burlington and Missouri Racer Ruilmud— homing apymratus. ... 497 pany vaults, smog, and locks 498 may assign and convevm 11 railroad compho cgmphmg, &c. plans ofZ ... 498 gluny, to be organized under the laws of curc_u.ud repairs of 498 ebraska, its rights, &c. under the act repurs of curtain government build- of Congress of 1864 . 54 Bulkhmds ings in San Francisco ... 498 megiaglllgnge pmt of its location in Hg- H9 1 ..•.·..·. , certain steam vessels to have not less and connect with Union Puciiic Railthan three water-tight, cross . 455 road at or ucar the Fort Kcarncy Bullion, reservution .. 118, X19 unrcfincd or unpartcd, may be exchanged Burnham, Benjamm F., at any mint until, &c· ... . 296 pension to 692 weight, &c. of, determined by mint assay 296 Bushd Bunoe, .]»wzes H., of grain, in certain distillcrics, not loss pension to . . `. . . . 641 than tixzy gallons of mash, or, &c. to Buoy-Tenders, rvprescnt . . . . . . . 42 a.pprnpri:1tions for. ,... . .. 513 Busy, The B1·{r[shJ»u:It Burk, Buoys uml Bmtppps, an Amcrivmn register granted to 589 appropriations for . 803, 507, 517 ; Butterworth, bnmuel IC, Bureau of Edmtzipn, and the heirs, &c. of Arnold Harris, to bc appropriations for. ... . 242, 490 released from liability, us surttics of clerical force in oHicc of commirxsionerof William G Kcndnll 634 education established 242 judgments to be discharged 634 Bumrtu of Internal Rwemw, Byers Street, certain tempomry female clerks continucd Springfield, Mass., to be a. public highin . ... 382 way ... 314, 379 Bureau of Or:l·;ance, app opriution for expanse! of, in oonncction with certain court of inquiry. J. . . 308 _ _ C- Burcrtu 0/` Re/Vtyees and I*`reedm·n, Cbdet Mtdshzpwrzn, commissioner so continue frecdmsn's hos- 6U1d8MB in HRV!] lvlldtmy to be called. · 334 ifals at Richmond, Va., Vicksburg, how to be sdfof8d BBQ} appointed. . 334 gms., and ip the Di<trict of Columhi t. 8 when to reccwc appomnmems as rmdasylum for aged and infirm freedmon, shnpmen, how promoted, &c . 334 and for orphan children . 8, 9 C¤d¢t·Q¢lH¤°/¢j1‘S,_<1£ WHBV Pflflf, _ {0 pay gxpgnsgs frgm what moneys, 9 3ppl'0pTi8.[10ll for plllnflg DOW T00foH. . . . 519 hospitals xo be discontinued as soon as, &c. 9 Ciwktshlps, _ _ _ _ _ Boglaztl of Rzftgees, Freedman, and Abandoned upgropr¤at»o:; for expcnpos ofrngcgtngggon m S, y commu ee on mu u ·y a mrs, 0 u.ppropri=1tions for . 506, 520, 521 V SMG ¤f· ·-·.··--· Y -··--····· · ···---· 6 9 Bureau of Slalistics, Cadwa//oder, Atqgrntm 6., I appropriation for Salaries and expenses alI0w;mce to, m settlement of hxs account 689 of, repctlcd 250 CGW, _ _ appropriations for officors, clerks, &c 483 _ npproprmuons for custom-house at 84, 294, 509 Bureaus in Nagy Department, 0¢1l1‘0_ wld Fulton Hd1I7s0f1d, _ deticioncy appropriations for ... 68 time for complotxon of first section of, _ uncxpended balances in certain, to be egatcudcd .. . 6:6 covered imo the treasury 68 Uvldpoozas, _ _ _ appropriations for chc.24S, 249, 308, 321,323, approprxatxons for tho. J6, 32, 336, 35a, 546 492, 493, 526-533 56*