Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1264

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13230. INDEX. i Indian Department (rontiimed.) Indian pepartmmt, (continued.) _ _ Quapuws .. 30, 34, 349, 35l, 549, 561 moneys appropriated for annuities, to be Qui}-lch-utcs ... 30, 349, 559 expended only for what ... _. i . ; 34 · Qui-nai-elts ... . ... 30, 349, 559 appropriation for commission to. investi- Rcd Lake . . . ..19, 339, 340, 559, 560 gate the claims of the Senecas, Shaw-

   .. .  349, 560 nces, and Quupaws, for losses by the 34

e e ceu . ..351, 561 war . . Rogue Rivers . 30, 349, 350, 560 to ascertain the amount of money Sires ..l.. . . . r . 30, 35, 350, 560 due the Wyai.dottcs uudcr existing Scotons . . 16 treaties . . . . 34 Seminoles . . . .. 30, 850, 560 to pay claim oi'J. T. Jones. . . I 34 Senecas ... 81, 34, 350, 351, 560, 56l Indian reservations in California. I . 37 Shawnees . . 31,34,350, 351, 561 removal and subsistence of Indians in Sheep Eaters .. 346, 555 Oregon and in Washington Tcrdtory, 37 Shoshones 31, 38, 346, 351, 352, 551, 561, interest on non-paying stock held in trust 38 562 for Indian tribes ... . Sioux 26,34, 39, 353, 354, 356, 562, 563, on abstracted bonds for Cherokee 506, 568 school fund . . .. 38 Sissetons . 26, 353, 854, 563 delivery of annuities in Minnesota and Six Nations 32, 353, 562 `Michigun . . . .. 38 S’Klul|ams. . .. 32. 354, 563 rescue of prisoners from Indians . ..,. , . . 38 Snake . 33, 356, 565 arrest of ersons charged with crimes Tubeguache Bands. .32, 35, 354, 563, 564 against the Indians . 38 Texas ... 37 census of North Carolina Chcrokces. 38 Uintah Bands . 35, 354, 564 settlement of Shoshones and B¤¤¤¤<><>k8 Umatillas . ... 32, 355, 564' and other strolling tribes on rescrvu- Umpqnas ... , ..16, 32, 354, 355, 564 tions . . . . . 38 Upper Pend d’0rcilles . .23, 344, 553 subsistence of such Indians for first Utuhs ,... ... .32, 37, 354, 563, 564 year ... , .. 38 Utes . .35, 354, 564 no payments to be made under these ap- Wapakootas . 353 ropriaiions unless the Secretary of the Warpemns ... 26, 853, 354, 563 interior is satisfied that the tribes, Walla-\Va|lns . 32, 355, 564 bands, and individuals have ohscrvcd Wall-puh-pes ... 33, 356, 565 treaty stipulations .. . ... 38 Weas . 34, 35l, 561 mode of delivery of goods, &c. to In- Wcemififtche Bands 35, 354, 564 dinns . 39 Wichitas ... l5, 37, 355, 564 commissioners to the Pottawatomics 38 Wintieliztgocs . .33, 38, 355, 564, 565 Choctnws and Chickasnws . 39 Wyattdottes . . ..34, 35 I , 561 Indian peace commissioners, expenses in- Yakamas . 33, 356, 565, 566 curred hv . t B9 {tampa Bands . 35, 354, 564 unlpaid vouchers audited and allowed uuctons . 34, 356, 566 y . . . .. .. .. 39 Indian service in Arizona Territory 36, 857, damages to citizens ofNiobrnru by moving 566 the Santee Sioux upon their lands 89 in California. .36, 37, 357, 566 commission to ascertain .,. .. 39 in Colorado Territory 36, 357, depredations by Indians in northwestern 566 Iowa . . 39 in Dakota. Territory 36, 357, appropriation to Kansas Indians for cdu- 566, 567 cation may be used to buy food for in Idaho Territory 36, 357, 567 such Indians .. 39, 40 in Montana Territory 36, 357, to enable the President to maintain 567 peace and promote civilization in Nevada ... .36, 357, 567 among the Indians .. 40 in New Mexico Territory 37, report of expenditure to be made to 357. 567 Congress . . 40 in Oregon 37, 357,567 President to organize a board of commisiu Utah Territory 37. 358, 567 sioners to aid in the th~burscment of in Washingtoti Territory 37, appropriations under this act ... . 40 357, 567 expenses of commission . 40, 568 in W)*oming Territory., 357, commission of citizens to continue so long 56 , 568 as 360 payment to Pierre Gavnoaux for his ser- duty of commissioners. 360 vices to the Arickarecs . . . .. _ 14 secretary and his pay . . .. .. 360 toJ. C. D. Blackburn mr subsistence commission continued with same furnished tocertnin Indians .. `I5 powers and duties . . . 568 of expenses of board of visitors to no payments to be made to contractors · certain Indians in Minnesota, &c. for goods, supplies, &c. or for trans- 19, 20 portation, &c. until the ar-counts and Secretary of Interiorto sell bonds held in vouchers have been submitted to the trust or Choctaws, to pay awards in executive committee of the commisfavor of Joseph G. Heald and Reuben sioncrs . ... 568 Wright ... 20 duty of commissioners in respect special duty of} as to the Pottawat- to such accounts and vouchers 568 omies .. ... . . . . . . . . 29 Secretary of Interior may set aside,