Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1266

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1232 xmmx. . 1 Indum Department, (continued.) Infrinpemeoats, (continued.) _ _ contracts otherwise made to be void eedin s and evidence m actions for 208 , o P g and (persons making may be prose- of copyrights, actions for. . . . .. 214 cute or misdemeanor .. 570 Inland Mails and punished by fine and imprison- appropriations for transportation of . .227, 571 ment . . 570 571 Insane, The district ntltorneyslto prosecute such appropriation for, in District of Colum- 93 cases w en 0, p led to ... 570 bia 2 failing todgo so, to be cause of for government hospital for ... . . 500 remov . .' .. 570, 571 “Insane Person " Indian agents making such contracts to include’whnt in construction of acts, I d_ D tijlbc dismissed . 571 Spec; Ccingress ... . .. . . 431 n um epre ations Inspector- era no part of appropriation for any tribe to approprintiohs for office of. . . . .. 248, 492 ge used to pay claims for deprcdotions Inspector q/the Mlitary Academy, y such tri e. . . . ..., . .. 860 appropriation for office of .. 248 clai · for, not to be aid until, &c. . 360 Ins et-tors 0 Boilers and Hull:. Sec Steam tan esti ities essels. I mr E? t P F repjort to be made as to exfpenses incurred appointment and qualifications of. ...443, 444 y M<;_ntana. Territory, or the suppres- to constitute a board of local inspectors. . 444 sion o .. . . 810 duties of . ,... 444 445 in Oregon, expenses of two companies of certificate of inspection . ... ’ 445 IMI_ wunmers pi sgppressing, to be adjusted 401 to be verified by oath .,... 445 i can ation or ri reasons for disapproval to be in writing., 445 none Evizhin the , United States, rppog- may grant license to carry gunpowmze as at power wit 1 whom the nit- dcr. ... 445 ed States may OOIIIIQEIZ by treaty. . 566 to keep a record of certificates of inspecexisting treeties not n cted 566 tion licenses, &c 445, 446 Indian Office, _ to repert violations of steamboat lnws to appropriations for pay of owzers, clerics, supervising inspector . . .. 446 c. and expenses 0 . ... 343, 487 to license an classify captains, mates, en- _ to pay indebtedness incurred for In- gineers, and pilots of steamboats. . .446, 447 1 dim service in California, by Aus- no person to be employed in such [mf P tinc Wiley .. 517, 518 capacity unless licensed .. 446 I um eace 'ommtssion, penn t .. . . . . -446 I appointment. &c. of ... 40 suspension ami, revocation of licenses 446, to continue as long as the eppreprintion 447 mode for their expenses shall last . 360 certificate of licenses ... 446 447 duty of commigironcrs ... . 360 to investigate acts of incompetency or, t secretary o . an is pay . . . 360 misconduct . . . 447 continued further . 568 powers in condncting such investigapowers and duties of commissioners . 568 tion ... . .. 447 expenses of commission .. 39, -10, 568 refusing to grunt, or revoking a license, Indian Resereations ip Ca/g'orm'a, case may be examined anew by superrppropnations or 37 vising inspector . 447 448 Indums, _ proceedings in such cases .. ’ 448 up0n_Utua.tiIlu reservation, Oregon, ue- to make inspections of vesscls at proper I d_ gsotmtnons to be made with ... 384 times, in addition to annual examinen tan ccuts, tions .. 448 upprolprietions {for horses, subsistence, of one district not to modify the doings of en c ot ning or . 519, 522, 523 those of another district .. L .. 448 limit of amounts to be expended 5for when mnydinspect steamers in other col- 22 523 lection istricts . . .,. 448 Indian Superintendencies, h bsdi _ ’ mt;] permit vessels to gc to other ports any one or more o the ·may scontm- or repairs . 448 ued. .: .. . .’ . . .. 361 failures in duty ot] to be reported to Sec- Indnm agents of, to report to com- retary of the Treasury ... 449 _ m1ssioners .. . .. 861 to enforce the provisions of law against Indian Tribes, all steamboats arriving or departing.. . 450 money to be kept from those, holding original certificates of, where to be kept. 450 American captives, until, &c .. 377, 378 penalty upon, for wilfully certifying false- Indusirial Home Sc/mol, ly 450 relief to be given to the oor and desti- who may not be .. 451 tute in the D§trict of golumbie, upon 6 penalty for suc; persons attempting its recommen ation . 5 to act as suc .. 45l Inrgrlstrial jigr Destitute Children in the upton inspectors for receiving illegal `strict o um Ext, ees, &c. for services . 451 douatpon to, og bpdsteads and benches 592 to state what in certillcate of passenger 0 steam 0i er . . . . . . . 592 steztmers, except ferry-bouts .. 454 Injbrmers, · to be aided in examinations by licensed under the steamboat passenger security omcers 456 act, provisions concerning .. . .440, 458 to inspect bulls, &c. and license om Infringernerds, _ of ferry—bonts, canal-boats, &c . iir? 456 of pateuts,dnmages m cases of .. 206, 207 to make report to supervising inspector,. 457