Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1327

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1293 SW ’*·¤{jj·g;é,§¢¤tg**¤¤¤¤·> _ sammy Baum, the s remove bo, and live upon -08 no part of I amount due for, to be paid to · ..·.•..••...··•I 3 t wlnxe persons not to remain on.708, 7ll algrnelyflf. or on my power of 55 · nor fish in streams, &c . . . . . 708 to be paid to the solcliexsor ngllm of way across, reserved for pub· person . 55 lic roads and railroads ... 708, 711 or by drafts to their orderi l I l l ll ·‘ 55 paymenrs by the Umced States for coun mav be sen: throu h r£é¤li}i{éA·§ try ceded ... . .. . . . . 708 liureau . . 55 _liow to be expended ... 708 Soldiers, Disabled, addmonal puymcnc, and for what pur- none go be discharged by reason of dimi- _pos<;s ... . .. 708 nuuon of Capitol police . 232 mills and shops to be erected ... 708 Soldiers' Home, school-house and hospital buildings to be joint resolution relating to the officers of built ., . ... 709 the ... . . . . ... . 372 tools and niatcrial for mill and shops 709 SOI1Iiers’ Monument Cammillee, books and snzmonery for manual labor at Rock Island, Ill., condemned ordnance school ,. I. ... . .. 709 granted to, for soldiers’ monument. . . . 76 farmer, mr-chiimcs, and tcwcliers , . . . 709 g Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate-General, reservanon muy be surveyed into traces l appropriations for salary of . l0, 248 and assigned to heads of families and i to be hereafter known aslhc naval solicitor 162 single persons . . 709` to be transferred to the Department: of quantity to each ., 709 Justice .. . . 162 not to be alienated or subject to to hold office until, &c. . ... 163 levy, &c. . .. 709 to be appointed by the President, by &c.. 163 jescrictions mwy be removed. 709 salary of . l63 Indians refusing to reside upon the duties of 162-165 tracts assigned for two years, to See Department of Justice. forfeit their rights thereto 709 Soliciior- General. See Depanment ¢fJustz'ce. regulations as co successions ... 709 office of in the Department of Justice, annuities nor liable to debts 709 esmblished . _ ... . 162 parties zo this Treaty agree to be friendly to be appointed by the President, by, &c. 163 to the United States .. . . 709 to act 3S.Atl01‘Il€j'·GOD0¥8l in case of vumembers of tribe drinking spirimous cancy in oince of} or of his absence or liquors or bringing them upon the res- disability .. 162 ervation, not to have rhe benefits of salary of Z _ .. _ ... ... 163 this treaty ..,...1.. 709 may bel required to give opinions upon other tribes may be locaced on the reser- questions rlcfcrrgd to him . . . t . lg2— 164 vation . 709 to ntten to, *c. any cases in l {e u- rights of parties hereto not thereby promo Court of lthe l.?lllf€d.€)C1ll€S, affected. .. . ... 709 or conrr of claims, m which the treaty when to take effect .. 709 United States is interested . M3, 163 execution, and razifications wirh amend- or in any court of the nite ments .. . ... 710, 711 States ... .. 163 Snider, Arma B., may be sent to any State or district . 163 pension ro ... 638 uclual and necessary_ expenses on Snujsuch service to be paid . . , 163 ¤ . . . . . . I portion of tax paid on cergm, eqiéal to S Z. zzpprcyorlntiogs Rngglgry of 311, 494 {H d at e- ozczoro nern · _ ziiisnidof stamps a XB , C . (T. . 43 transferred to the Depnrtmcm of J usticc. - · ````````````'`````. {lice until &c .. . .. commissioner to pay back an amonnt to hold 0 _ '» _ ' equal to the value of stamps affixed, to be appointed by the Presidents, by, &c. upon evidence, &c .,. 43 salnry of . .-165 so prescribe rules and regulations. . . 43 dunes of. . . I ... 311 49; mav allow certain, co be stumped and npproprignorgs or se JDMCQ- ·- » sold in the original packages . 44 S Z_ _! ”;€;_miI;;;"’€" O ‘ m)l8vl))0n mm Ot, not to cwsc October 1, 256 O lcennqiis assismnts,,ci·ansforrcd to the De- Snyder, Abraham G., pmment ogéligstifgé sidcm by, &c· 163 pnvmcm to, for use of Snyder bullct ma.- to be appom Y » l · · 163 china . .,.. 700 . Snyder Susanna, ‘‘'° { d of assist. ’ _- _ a ro rumons for pvy 0, 8** Scldgyegision to .. 698 Pgmlxlcrks) &c' in Omcc gf. ’ l · _ 238] 494 6 . . LS wv. S<-crying for ninety days in the rebellion I d CSceagep<zrtmen/ Qf 1 ““" ”°““*"“‘g "’*'“" my “"“" ’l ‘*“‘“‘ S°"${"Z·€ Q’,Z"Q°c,~£;., miclcs imported by, m ter seczion of land on lines of railroad, 321 ubgicmimd if &C‘ I A L I · · · _ __ __ _ _ 638, 639 &c. . ... . .. V 7 h A] Pmmad Company S°Id'~"" (md Sailam · bowl cmd Ami ·11cl;ael$;iiifl>1iii<re over tho Alud of the Mexican m“Y °"“‘.‘ ° 9 of the wm Of ISN an · · bama river above Montgomery ... 14 WMU bcnmits of the act etmbhshing the f rmer `\'2il1[ of public lands ro Alabama National Asylum, &c.’cxcended to 599 Ommxgcd and revived for me hmmm Og Soldiers and S<zilars’ Orphans H0m<*,_ _ the _ _____ _ ____, _ _,__,, . ,... 580 of Wasliingcon, D. C, appropriations for 294 ···· · · · ·