Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/14

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xiv LIST OF THE PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Page Secretary of the Treasury to issue nn American register to the bark “Live Oak," and to the ship "Agm," of Boston. June 7, 1870 . . ... E 379 [No. 72.] Census of 1870. A resolution in relation to the compensation of assistant marshals for taking the census of 1870. Juno 9, 1870 _ . 3 80 [No. 73.] 1\Gm'onal Asylum jb'- Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. A resolution appointing managers of the National Asylum for Di—nbled Volunteer Soldiers. June 9, 1870. .. 380 [No, 75.] Wrerked and Abandoned Property, gm. Joint resolution to ennhle the Secreiznry of the Tri-usury to collect wrerkcd and almntioned property, derelict claims, and clues belonging to the United States. June 21, 1870 . . ... . ..,... 880 [N0. 76 ] Tl·z`but¢·s q/’ 1/ze Nations to Altrahum Linea/n. A rc solution nuthorizing :1 distribution of the copies remaining in the Depnrtnnent of State, of the “Tributes of the Nations to Abraham Lincoln." June 21, 1870.. . .. . . . . 381 [No. T7.] Rqqistw lo Svhconcr “Veni/1'¢t." Joint resolution granting an American register to the British-built schooner “Venilin." June 22, 1870 381 [No. 78.] So/¢Iier.s’ Jlonument Associalicn, Adrian, Jlic/uzqzm. Joint resolution gran ting condemned guns to the Soldiers’ Monument Association of Adrian, Miohigun. June 22, 1870 ... 381 [N0. 79.] llfonumenz to Bz·z};std£ez·~Genelul Nat/iuniel Lyon and Hderal Soldiers. Joint resolution authorizing the Sevretnry of Wur to plaee at the disposal of the judges of the county court, of' Greene county, State of Missouri, certain cnptured ordna.nce. June 23, 1870. . 381 N0. 80.] Bnnslt North America. Joint resolution relurive to trade with British North American Provinces. Juno 23, 1870 . ... . . . . 381 [No. 87.] Smuhem Puri/ic Railroad of Culgfu-nia. Joint resolution concerning the Southern Pacific Rnilroud of California. June 28, 1870 ... 382 No. 88. A» mzriazizm or »Sun·»»t a Isthmuso Dterien. Joint resolution to amend act of Jul IP I . J Y twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. June 28, 1870 .. 382 [No. 89.] Poughkeepsie, N Y. Joint resolution donating condemned ordnance for a soldiers’ monument nt Poughkeepsie, New York. June 28, 1870 .. 382 [N0. 90.] Female Clerks. Joint rosolution in relation to female clerks in the internal revenue bureau. June 29, 1870 . ... . . 382 [No. 91.] Cltumpaign County lllowmiental Association. Joint resolution relative to the Champnign (`ounty, Ohio, Monumental Association. June 30, 1870 . .. . . . 383 [N0. 93.] Naval Q[7icers. A resolution for the relief of certain officers of the nawy. July 1, 1870 ... . . · ... 3 83 [No. 9-1.] {’ho¢ographit] gict•u·esj A resolution providing for the admission ol' plnotograplis for exhi»ition1'ree o uty. uly 1, 1870 . . 383 [No. 95.] S/ovens Btzlterjy. A resolution giving the consent of Con;_rress to the reception of a gmitnip ]1gqSest, by the Stsne of New Jersey, under the uill of the lute Edwin A. Stevens. u y , 7 . . . . . 383 ]No. 96.] Num].- A resolution to regulate the effect of a vote of the thanks of Congress upon prtnnonon in the nnvy. July 1, 1870 . ... . . . 384 ]No. 97.] pI1I3V0H1H Qfwvry in Nor!/1 Clurolina. A resolution conuerning the pay of customs officers in North Carolina. July 1, 1870 ... . .. . 384 [N0. 98.] _ Umun//a lwzdians, Oregon. A resolution instructing the President to negotiate with the Indmns upon the Umznilln reservation, in Oregon. July 1, 1870 ..,... 384 [N0. 9%} l*`n·s! 1\?1!ionnl`Bunk of For! Sun`!/1, Arkansas. A resolution authorizing the First utionnl Bunk ot 1*ort Smith, Arlcnnsns, to change its location und name. July 1, 1870. . 384 ]No. 100.] St:-mn lucid “Plnmy." A resolution to nnthorize the Secretary of the Treasury to _ change the name of the su-um yacht “Funny." July 1, 1870 . . 385 [No 101.] Q/'utnaon to Lowe]/. Joint resolution prrnnring four pieves of vondemncd cannon to the vny ol Lowell, for the ornznnentntnon of the soldiers' monument in that place Jul 7 ism . . l y ’ sas [No, 102:] Grade q/ Clnnnusswncd Q[}i¤·¤·rs_f·cnz Date of Cmnmissimi. Joint resolution umendatory ctx "é]§1n:t pcsol: fordthe pelief of §e]·tn]n ofigcéegs of the army," approved Julv twenty- si , h · ·¤ liu · an six y-six. u y I, .,... I 385 [No. 10ft.] rluzurtlrn Greet Britain. Jointhresolution making xm appropriation to pay the goveinmtnt of (nent Butani und Irelntnlnn 2(‘i'0l’d2I11C8 wuh the award of the commissioners nppoinretfl under the treaty of July nrst, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to settle the gpnrnplol Hudson s Bay Company, and of the Puget Sound Agricultural Company. T _ , . Z., . . . .. 386 [bo. lll?.] liar: Porter. _ Joint resolution nutliorizinsz tho improvement of the grounds owned by t no Unned States in the enty of Buffalo. Lew York, known as Fort Porter. July ll, 1870. 386 [N0. 105] ~ 'Arsvnai Grounds, ioatnt Louis, illifsouri. Joint resolution concerning arsenal grounds ut Srnnt Louis, Missouri. July 11, 1840 .., . 386 [No. 106.] Murine Corps. Joint resolution in relation to enlistments into the murine corps ant for other purposes. July 11, 1870 ... . , .. .. l 387 [N0. 108.] C/zarles H. Pend/etorznmcl Richard P. Leary. A resolution authorizing the nomination and nppomtment of Lieutenants Charles H. Pendleton and Richard P. Lcnry as Lieu- •en¤nt-Conimauders on the active list of the navy. July 12, 1870 . . . 387