Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/208

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174 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 177, 178, 179. 1870. acts and decisions of each justice thereof ag is gouferrcjl qpon the circuit courts of the United States ove? proccefhngs m the chsmct courts of xhc United States by the second section of smd act. cgmuu 5qdF S1·:c. 2. And itfzfrther enqctefl, Thgt in case of a yacgmcy m the PW mah Yu ¤ office of district Judge: m any d•smct, or m case any dxsmct. Judge @18,1}, £,gf:c°grtg; from sickness, absence, or other disubuhty, unable to act, the mrquu; ability, Gm. of judge of the circuit in which such district is mcluded may make, durmg Fhg d"°"*°‘ such disability or vacancy, all necessary rules and orders preparatory to Ju gm the iinal hearing of all causes in bankruptcy, and cause the same to be entered or issued, as the case may require, by the clerk of the district court. Armovmn, J unc 30, 1870. June 80, 1870. CHAP. CLXXVIII. - An Ad concerning the District Court of the Umkd States for the District of Iowa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Wh °:fjl*;“.“Pd States of America in Congress assembled, That the Iowa judicial district; 3%,0 UnY;§°°° of the district. court of the United States is hereby further subdivided, Sum district namely: The counties of Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, O’Brien, Plymouth,

$l£°;O{;’w°' Cherokee, W00dbux·y, Ida, Momma, Crawford, Harrison, Shelby, Audubon,

Pottuwatomna, Cass, Mnllp, Montgomery, Fremont, and Page, now bclonging to the western division of the said district court, shall constitute a. new division, to be. called the western division: and the division heretofore denominated the western division with the exception of the counties above named, shall be hereafter denonsinated the central division. T m,- th, Srcc. 2. And be it further enacted, That two regular terms of said wwiern <;£¤ri¤¤· court shall be held annually in the new western district, at Council Bluffs, to commence on the third Tuesday of',Jamuary and third Tuesday in July in each year from che passage of this act. Eximn nm S20. 3. And be it further enacted That the provisions of the several

  • °"PP'Y·%°°· acts of Congress regulating the counzts of the several divisions as heretofore organized shall, as far as the same are applicable, apply to the courts

of the said district under the present division. £dgB m8% Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the judge of the said district "“°'· · court shall have power to make such rules and orders as may be necessary to carry imo effect the changes provided for in this uct.

R¤p¤nling btw. 5. And be zt jwrther enacted, That all acts and parts of acts iu-

°““‘°‘ consistent with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. APPROVED, June 30, 1870. @0. 1870- CHAP. CLXXIX.- An Actmylemenla to "An Act to provide for fmzishlng arti- 1§1<:,¤1¤. ga;. jicial imbslo gmbkd Soldimf nc . G . _ gp Ba at enactedfy the &nate and Hbusc of Representatives of the United 165)*;* 8;*;}; b States of America in Congress assembled, That the benefits of the act up-

,,,,,;,;,,,.; mm provcd June seventeenth, enghtccm hundred and seventy, entitled "An act
3:;:, zfgicm, to provide for furnishing artificial limbs to disabled soldiers," shall be exmmm; db icndcd to all {>H1cars, solgncrs, seamen, and marines disabled in the mili-

¤bled,&c. ary or nava service 0 the United States, as fully as the same are §3?1 i€?»£ag; Rrovidud for in the acts. approved July sixteenth, eighteen hundred and

g“ ,,b 805 sunty-two. July tvyenty-cnghth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and July

V<¥é£v&£. gg. twenty-sevenuh, exgh{ecn hundred and sixty-eight, in so far as the said

 * ·?cc? relate to artniicml lnmbs and to transportation for procuring said

. xv. p. :37. im S- Armovmv, June 30, 1870.