Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/518

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484 FORTY·-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 113. 1871. 0fH¤¤¤f ¤¤· two thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant cashier, two tbousgnd

(fg;'fF;’:&S;;;l dollars ; for assistant book-keeper, two thousand dollars; for stamp clerk,

’ two thousand four hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for three night watchmen, four thousand five hundred dollars; for one day watchman, nine hundred and sixty dollars. atPhilnde1- Office of assistant treasurer at Philadelphia: For assistant treasurer, Pblai in addition to his salary as treasurer of the mint, one thousand five hundred dollars; for clerks, messengers and watchmen, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-three dollars. u.tSuintL<>uis; Office of assistant treasurer at Saint Louis: For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars ; for clerks, messengers, and wetchmen, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. at New Or- Ofllce of assistant treasurer at New Orleans : for assistant treasurer, four 1°““S* thousand dollars ; for chief clerk and cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, two thousand dollars ; two clerks, three thousand dollars; one porter, nine hundred dollars ; two watchmen, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; amounting in all to thirteen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. M G¤M!¢¤¤<>¤: Ofhce of assistant treasurer at Charleston, South Carolina: For assistmat treasurer, four thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars ; one assistant messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; and two watchmen, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars. at Baltimore- Oihce of assistant treasurer at Baltimore : For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars ; for cashier, twenty-five hundred dollars ; for three clerks, five thousand four hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thousand eight hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars ; for messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars ; for five vault watchmen, three thousand six hundred dollars. Qmce of do-_ Oillce of depositary at Chicago: For cashier, two thousand five hun- §§°Q{“Y M Chr dred dollars ; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars ; for two 8clerks, three thousand dollars; for one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; for one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars. at Cincinnati; Office oi' depositary at Cincinnati: For cashier, two thousand dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thousand four hundred dollars ; for two clerks two thousand dollars ; for one messenger, six hundred dollars for two watchmcn, one at seven hundred and twenty dol- 3181;; and one at two hundred and forty dollars, nine hundred and sixty 0 urs. at Louisville; Office of depositary at Louisville: For cashier, two thousand dollars ; for one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for one clerk, one giersand two hundred dollars ; for watchman, seven hundred and twenty 0 ars. at Pittsburg; Ofllce of depositary at Pittsburg: For cashier, one thousand eight hundred dollars ; one clerk, one thousand fbur hundred dollars; one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars ; amounting in all to three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. at Santa Fd. Office of depositary at Santa Fé: For depositary, (in addition to his pay as receiver,) two thousand dollars ; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; two watchmen, each seven hundred and twenty dollars; amountingin all to four thousand six hundred and forty dollars. dgegisxllagggts. For compensation to special agents to examine the books, acc0untS, nfld VOL fx? M, money on hand at the several depcsitoz-ies, including national banks acting as depositaries under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, six thousand dollars. Cdntmgent For contingent expenses under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen °*P°¤5°’· hundred und forty-six, for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and dis- N0 pm mr bursement of the public revenue, Hfry thousand dollars: Provided, That ommi services. no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services.