Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/799

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TREATY WITH BELGIUM. Dncnmsm: 20, 1868. 765 Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Belgium of July 17, 1858. Trade Jllm-ks. Ormeluded, December 20, 1868; Evxclzanged, June 19, 1869; Proclaimed, July 30, 1869. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE OF AMERICA: Dec. 20,18ss. A PROCLAMATION. Wrrnnnns an additional article to the treaty of commerce and navigation Preamble. between the United States of America and his Majesty the King of the V°l· xii- P· 1°“· Belgians, of the seventeenth of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Brussels on the twentieth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, the original of which additional article, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows : — The President of the United Le Président des Etats·Unis contracting States of America and his Majesty d’Amérique et sa Majesté lc Roi des P°·"‘°*· the King of the Belgians, deeming Belges, ayant jugé utile d’ajouter un it advisable that there should be an article additionnel au traité de comadditional article to the treaty of merce et de navigation conclu entre commerce and navigation between eux le 17 Juillet, 1858, ont, a cet them of the 17th July, 1858, have eifet, nommé pour leurs plénipofor this purpose named as their Entiaires, savoir: le President des plenipotentiaries, namely: the Pres- tats-Unis, Henri Shelton Sanford, ident of the United States, Henry citoyen des Etats-Unis, son ministre Shelton Sanford, a citizen of the resident pres sa. Majesté le Roi des United States, their minister resi- Belges, et sa Majesté le Roi des dent near his Majesty the King of Belges, Monsieur Jules Vander the Belgians; and his Majesty the Stichelen, grand croix de l’Ordre du King of the Belgians, the Sieur Jules Lion Néerlandais, &a., &a., &a., son Vander Stichelen, grand cross of ministre des affaires étrangeres, lesthe Order of the Dutch Lion, &c., quels, apres s’étre communiqué leurs Sec., &c., his minister of foreign pleins-pouvoirs, out arreté et signé affairs; who, after having commu- ee qui suit: nicated to each other their full powers, have agreed to and signed the following: ADDITIONAL Aivrrcnn. ARHGLE A1:•mT10NN1¤:L. The high contracting parties, de- Les hautes parties contractantes Counterfelting siringfo securecomplete and eliieient désirant assurer une complete et g,°°,‘;,‘?,‘§,‘dmf"k“ protection to the manufacturing in- efficace protection a Pindustrie madustry of their respective citizens, nufacturiere des leurs citoyens reagree that any countcrfeitingin one spectifs, sont convenues que toute of the two countries of the trade reproduction dans l’un des deux marks atlixed in the other on mer- pays des marques de fabrique apchandise, to show its origin and posées dans l’a,utre sur certaines quality, shall be strictly prohibited, marchandises, pour constater leur and shall give ground for an action origine et qualité, sera séverement of damages in favor of the injured interdite et pourra donner lieu a party, to be prosecuted in the courts une action en dommages interets