Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/95

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 FORTY-—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7. 1869-70. 61

Q CHAP. IV. — An Act making Appropriations to partially supply Denciencies in the Ap- Dec. 23 1869.

 pzggpttons jbr the Service of the fiscal Year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and 7
 Be it enacted by tke Senate and House of Representatives of the United

E States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, >. and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury 5 not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations D€@<>l9¤¢Y¤P- E for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and pmprmhom g seventy, viz.:

 For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assem-
 bly of the Territory of New Mexico, and contingent expenses thereof, New M°Xi°°·

g fifteen thousand dollars.

 For publishing the laws in pamphlet form and in newspapers of the Pamphlet
 (Stiles and Territories and in the city of Washington, thirty-six thousand ]awS· &°‘

~ dollars.

 Approved, December 23, 1869.
 CHAP. W ·— An Act making a tempora%A;»pr0priati01t far the Prosecution ¢g"tl¢e Work D60 23- 1869
 upon the Improvement ¢y" the Des oines Rapids in the Mississippi River. U

Q Be it enactedhby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

 States of America in Uongress assembled, That there be, and is hereby,
 appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Appropriation
 appropriated, to be expended under the direction and superintendence W the lmP’°"¤·
 of the Secretary of War, For the purpose of continuing the prosecution gldggscgfrgigdgfs
 of·the work upon the improvement of the Des Moines rapids in the

I Mfissippi Rivg, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars. I rrnovnn, ecembcr 23, 1869. Q

 CHAP. VI. jAn Act in Addition to the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Wash- JM- 15, 1870-

§ mgton, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Packet Company. ‘ U

 Be it enactedbg the Senate and House ag` Representatives of the United
 States of America? znvgongress assembled, That the act entitled "An act pctipccglpoil

I to incorporate tie ashinrrton, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam Ya met E *5 `

 Dacket Company," approvedcthird March, eighteen hundred and twenty- g‘é?;’i§;%ket

g nine, and continued for twenty years by the act of twenty-sixth Febru- O°mP¤¤Yi<‘=X- Q ary, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, be, and the same is hereby, ex- t°£;g' 0h_ 5,, Q tended and continuedlin full force and efiect for another period of twenty Vo!. Ji. 398. j years, commencing with the first day of January, eighteen hundred and Vg4pc dgé

 spxty-nin;.  Providedi nevertheless, That Congress may at any time here- AQ; Egg} bg `

3 3. {61* mo 1 y or repeat the Same. repealed, &c. i Sec. 2. And be itjnrtber enacted, That no suit or action depending in No suit, &c. _’ pray] courth wpapoever, in wlnchlthe said corporation is plaintiff or de- ;’g;g;f§;*;‘;S”t;h° { en ant, s a a ate or be discontinued by reason of the expiration of the b b t djs, _

 chartep of said corporation,. but the same shall continue and be prose- Sa ae i c
 cutedin all respects as 1fsa1d charter had not expired; and the president 0556,,,-8 to

E and directors who were IH office at the time it expired shall continue in ¤¤¤*i¤¤¤=· E piiicip pndpr and by virtue of this act until others shall be duly chosen zi in their p aces.

 Approved, January 15, 1870.

g CHAP. VII. ·——An Act repealing so much o the Act o A thtlz, th dht J . 20 1870.

 hu#2·e*j•l[av;ld_j?1rtg-six, as declared the Des 1{1`oines Riué, iiglii sign Tei)·i$myW¢g`s;"1l0u€d.?tt gg

A ru rc as wer vd ii p is ' i • · I • i ’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United p States if America an Congress assembled, That so much of the act of »i August ejghth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, entitled "An R<3p€¤l0f¤<>t f act granting certain lands to the Territory of Iowa to aid in the improve- m“k‘“g tm D°°’