Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1019

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INDEX. gyg Certificate q/" pffkfmwqf ppirlivfl, Charleston, S, O,) between judges of cxrcuxt court, erther appropriations forrebuildingthe Catholic party may remove case be supreme Orphan Asylum as ... 6

 court upen .. 196 for purchase of the Club House at,

Ogrqjfmte of Drscharge, for the use of the courts . . . 7 to seaman, form, &c., of . . 267, 268, 280 for oEice of assistanftren.surer at, 71, register to be kept . . . 268 495 Certijicatns, for building for custom-house ut, 352, 523 consular officers not to grant, for certain completion of court-house at 131 goods, &c., shipped from countries ad- for Htting up postroffice at 542 jacent to the United States 474 Charlestoum, Mass., of surgeons, in applications for pensions, 576 appropriations for navy yard at, 147, 148, 150- to state what .. · . . 576 162, 368, 649, 554 of continuing disability, when not topayfor paving streets adjacent to necessary . sidewalks . 351 1*10 increase of pension, before date of . 569 Charlotte, N. C'., See Rensions. appropriations for assay-cilice at . . . 498 Ocrtgfczrtesfor Forqieatzon Purposes, for branch mint at . 73, 531 certain issued in Lawrence, Kansu, to · Cham, ge., be paid ... 135 appro riation for . . . . . . amount not to exceed, &c. . . . 135 C'ha.stuz'n, Edward B., ) Cmrfeares of Discharge, claim of] allowed by commissioners . . 746 duplicates of, to be furnished soldiers, Cluwis,Jamcs, &c., and'marked as duplicates . . . 582 claim of, allowed by commissxoners . . 751 not to be vouchers or evidence . . 582 Checks, Challenges in Criminal Cases, provisioufor the 1ssuing und payment in United States courts, number allowed of dupl1cate, by dnsbunsnng oiicers, m in treason and capital cases 282 place of orxgxnul checks lost . . 29, 300 in trials for other felony 282 Cheek, James M., in other cases, civil and criminal . 282 claim of, allowed by commxssmners . . 751 where there are several defendants, Chelsea, Mass., r &e 282 appreprmtmus for naval hospital at, 150, 501 to be tried by the court . 282 certmn land may be conveyed to, for a Chamberlin, Oliver, street . . .. _ . . . . damages awarded to, by commissmners descpptxon, Sw. . . . . .

 of cggms .. 693 eornnnssrorg £kreg>;>r; gvmfé 1f any g,  

hambers, n, sm 9 · • · · · claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 753. Cherokee Funds, Chambers, Riley, portion of the, to be set apart for or- claim of; allowed by commissioners . . 753 phans . . . . . g Chambers, Thomas, for :m usyhim 0l‘ IHS2Hé, . 6 claim of estate of, allowed by commu- for etdggrerin ;1;t¤tution o e cn. sioners ... ¤ * M · •·‘‘ ' cxmmszm sem H. 6'M~k¤¤ {?<=·e*’*» damzrges awarded to, by commissioners cer$£né5n If;;f;s, to be surveyed end 0'hamp2;,c.?m(;i I I I I. . I . I not to be sold untilsctniz accented claim ot'! allowed by commissioners . . 758 :g’ (g;}9;g;?;§(;'?L;m€%z?°1 I 98 C/u"g;€rx{l1;¢I;Téwed b · · 742 proceeds of sales to be invesoed . . 99 -’· y commlssmmrs` ‘ ht t' heads of families settled upon CMmW’· WMM1m' · · V ugh: glands to enter and purchase, &c., 98

 clamrrg ofuagowed by commmsxoners . . 703 _ J;  l · f mmm, who may mma

“»’""· "" ·· . . · ‘ 98

<;lajm cf, allowed by commxssmners . . 751 1 d  Jgztggk xhin &c  to be Som on

P ‘""‘· · a mas after dc. ..·-· · 98 8·H10unts advanced by Connecticut fer sealé . pay of, during me me vm, m be pzud pr;>:;`£>f settlement, enfrv, rar 8 toher ... ...- . 98 . by ·>°*··*¤ Sm *0 be PM *“°‘°· · "°" 3E2i?‘5$2Z?k2‘L“€i€r”££lZ°3?'8..m hee, Oha};;;£;S*¤Af)lg?zl’ ········· 725 {§,.*§§°""E "T°‘€°°‘}° Yf FM? ‘Tf ?°"C°“§`s, so Cha}c{;,:nJ;‘h; ei, ‘ 5 t d . 730 Cherokces, ° ’ 9 e mms ga 9 °· . reserved lands of, not to be surveyed "’·<l¤<¤~* ·"4#°~"·*· . · wirlrorlt me mm .. me appfoprintions for salames of . . 142, 472 i i {br payment of interest " Charitable Characler," WP g t f qd of 182% 461, 462 purposes ofe, to include what under the °¤h I nS€S of general comm; of _ 159

 internal revenue act ... 256 f   b i e Ilent of (mmm bmdspf, 190

Chant? L°dge’ roceeds of certain sales of Osage Indmn of Free and Accepted Matsons of HM`- 'P I d t be phwedm credit of the _ _ 688 p€I"S Ferry, appropriatron to remm- BL —R c,ham;;:*§* :;al ‘'``e mey ne abpogngri master upon the re- 'QV . • • • 1 • ¤ppr0pria.cion’fm.· 363 med hsco t cn y