Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/260

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220 FORTY·-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 286-288. 1872. appointee assumed the duties of the office, to 511 the vacancy now existing. APPROVED, June 4, 1872. June 4, 1872. CHAP. CCLXXXVH.———An Act relating to Inveniqries and Accounts af the Propcdy """""'“"" of lhe United States States in Public Buzldmgs and Grounds. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Annual st¤t¤· States of America in Congress assembled, That to carry out more ef’fectu-

}‘;*;bfcb;r:;d° ally the second section of an act entitlee. "An act to provide l inventories

erty ip public and accounts of the property of the United States m the public builmlmgs b“’ld'g8S md and grounds belonging to the United States in the District of Columbia,," grf;R)_°;h_300_ approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, that it shall be Vol. xvi. p. the duty of theofficer or officers, having in clmrve the property of the _ United States in and about the Capitol, the Preeideuifs house, and the botanical garden to furnish an annual statement to the Architect of the Capitol extension, by the first day of December in each year, setting forth the public property in all the buildings, rooms, and grounds, under their charge, purchased dining earch year, and an account of the disposition of such property dmiing the same period, whether by sale or otherwise. A1>r1z0v1a1>, June 4, 1872. Jl1Hé 4, 1872- CHAP. CCLXXXVIII.-An Act grantinpzto the Davenport and St. Paul Railroad Company the ight of Way. Bc it enacted tire Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United S Ptvlgnpprlg #{6 States of America an Congress assembled, That the Davenport and Sami: ({‘;l“mn;‘;mg ‘ Z§;xi;l51§ie1lro;d Sompgny, :;.1 coxgporatiilon e1£ting urger the lav;s of the heir cars over FL 0 Sl G, 3.11 18 GPC y 3.11 0I‘1Z l1p0l1 8 p8.ymGIl 0 0110-

23 Ti*£§gs;w*‘?SS third of the coht of the bridge over the maih channel of the Mississippi

river uykoclip river at Rock Island, and shall also be liable for and pay one-third of the gland; upon, cost of keeping the same in repair, to pass the cars of the said Davenport °·* and Saint Paul Railroad Company over said bridge, with the same rights and privileges, and subject to the same restrictions, that are or may be exercised or enjoyed by any other railroad company. may maintain Sec. 2. That upon the payment into the treasury of the United States gts grucl; of one-half of the ruoney referred to in section one of this uct, and the on, Sm g°’ p` payment to the hglfricego, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad Company of t e remaining 0 said sum of money said Davenport and Saint Paul Ruil;0udd(;)0u(qpanty shall be authorized to’construct and maintain its own _ trac an ri ge rom the east end of the bridfre first above mentioned to P'°“’°· the exty of Rock Island, in the State of Illinoizx Provided, however, That the same shall be done without any expense to the goyernmeut of the United States, and under the direction and shall continue under the control of the Secretary of War.

of mg wgoiérfrgztlgrnbepge :11(ya;;i1;·0ad companies authorized by law to cross

mhmi,M_mm€S’_ _ g _ 0 _ agree upon a t.1me-table to control the

pth,,,.0,,d,, mm iuxming of their respective trams thereon, the Secretary of War shall

notnlgrec. determine the question of difference. and fix the time for trains: Prosuggdgygtglliuois vzded, lhat the point where saiil bridge shall strike the Illinois shore Bhomwhm; shall be xrot more than two hundred feet from the present government coxnfsmtg be wagon-bridge: find provided also, That said track and bridge shall be Ogm rgms completed Wllilllll two · from the passage of this act. And whéu my m, upon, completed guy ether railroad company or companies shall be permitted, kc. under the d1rection of the Secretary of War, to pass their trains of cars ever szud last harmed bridge and track and approaches thereto, upon pay- ’ l;lg•l'/J the parties then m mterest their proportionate shame of the cost Umigtgémygc t103E50g anti of keepmglthe same in repair; And provided further, That not uug coutamed m this act shall be s0 construed as to interfere with