Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/346

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306 FORTY—-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1872. without anthori- stamp, stamped envelope, or postal card, of the kind authorized and pro.

  • Y· vided by the Post—ofiice department, without the special authority and

direction of said department; any person who shall, after such postage- 1,vE;';°;;*;;;;'pi°‘ stamps, stamped envelopes, or postal card, have been printed, and with V, u,,,,,,,,,,,,,;, intent to defraud_ the postal revenue, deliver the same to any person not person wi¢hi¤— authorized by an instrument of writing duly executed under the hand mm &°'i of the Postmaster-General and the seal of the Postroflice Department to receive them, every such person shall, on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a felony, and be punished by a fine not exceeding live hundred dollars, or by imprisonment 11ot exceeding five years, or by both _ ine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. us§g?;.’(:`§;‘§· °' Sec. 179. That any person who shall forge or counterfeit, or knowingly Syamp 0;,;,,,,,,,,, utter or use any forged or countcrfeited postage-stamp of any foreign gov. government; ernment, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than two nor more than ten years, at the discretion of the court. y,-,,,,;,,,,,; Sec. 180. That authority to frank mail-matter is conferred upon and m”°’ `"`° “’ ”“`i°°dJ°¤Ei3° i?u°‘€“g if r 1.. ul ’ `irs . e resident, imse or 's rivate secretar , to cover mail-matter. y P y Second. The Vice-President, to cover all mail-matter. Third. The chiefs of the several executive departments. Fourth. Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, and the sgcretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, to cover t cir correspondence, all printed matter issued by the authorit of Congress, and all speeches, proceedings, and debates in Congress. y Fifth. Such principal officers of the executive departments, being heads of bureaus or chief clerks, as the Postmaster—Gencral may by regulation prescribe, to cover official communications only. Sixtp. Postmasters, to cover ofhcial communications to other postmasters on y. Seventh. Assessors and collectors and their assistants and deputies, for the interchange of official communications only. er;lgg(;°0l’§ci_§S0 ·And no person entitled by law to the franking privilege shall exercise mm, by, &c_; said privilege otherwise than by his written autograph signature on the matter frankcd; and all mail-matter not thus franked shall be charged with the legal rate of postage thereon. rcgfczizggtgggs Sec. 181. That the franking privilege of Senators, Representatives, and &E__ in Lg,ng,€gs_ Delegate;. IH Congress, andlfhg secretafry of the Senate and clerk of the

  • ·Y·-f‘é·¥3- °g'" ,.l?$‘f2.i.‘2t..°?t’£Zf°il‘§.$dZ’§‘.r°B.Z€L1I`t.‘i‘r3iE€}3..m i" "1"°“"]’ M

g suc term. Public docu- Sec. That all books or publications which may be procured or pubm°“*“· lished by order of Congress shall be considered as public documents, and Maximum nngbe franked as such. · I o weight M ac. 183. That the maximum. weight for franked and free mail-matter mmkcq mano,-Y shall be four ounces, except petitions to Congress, congressional and execu- ¤X¤¤1>¤. 6w- five epublic documents, periodical publications interchanged between publishers, and packages of seeds, cuttings, roots, and scions, the wglght of which latter may be fixed by_regulation of the Postmaster-Gem err . m_1?¤'¤¤ ¤¤¤¤l‘¤¤¤'¤· in That the following mail-matter shall be allowed to pass free ai : First. All mail-matter sent to the President or Vice-President. Second. Official communications addressed to chiefs, heads of bureaus, chief clerks, or franking officcr of either of the executive departments. 'lhird. luetters and printed matter sent to Senators, Representatives, or Delegates in Congress, the secretary of the Senate, or the clerk of the Hnpise oi Representatives. `ourt . Petitions to Congress.